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Automotive Cybersecurity: Solutions for ISO/SAE 21434, UNECE WP.29

Solution Briefs

Partner with the right companies to automate cybersecurity requirement verification and make vehicles more secure


The automotive industry is undergoing cybersecurity standardization and regulation that enforces consistent testing to provide work products to auditors. ISO/SAE 21434 is a cybersecurity standard that integrates high-quality safety and security measures and provides a standard framework to implement a Cybersecurity Management System (CSMS). UNECE WP.29 cybersecurity regulation requires carmakers to prove to auditors they have an appropriate Cybersecurity Management System (CSMS) in place to sell vehicles in countries following this new standard.


To effectively deliver work products for these standards within that CSMS, automotive companies must be able to configure efficient automated requirement verification testing to ensure mitigations for threats are appropriately implemented per the cybersecurity design. Automakers and their suppliers must be able to prove to auditors they have successfully implemented these mitigations.


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