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Capture an image from an instrument's screen and transfer it to a PC
Instruments that use a screen for displaying results often include a method for transferring the image to a printer or plotter. A print or plot button is included on the front panel of many oscilloscopes, spectrum analyzers and network analyzers. Also, some instruments offer a GPIB command to dump the images across the bus. The following tutorial will demonstrate how to create a Visual Basic program to receive these images across the GPIB interface. Instruments typically send the image to a printer using one of the following methods:
- HPGL2 Hewlett-Packard graphics language
- HP PCL Hewlett-Packard plotter language
- BMP Widows bitmap
Check your instrument's documentation to determine the printer or plotter language that it supports. Some instruments support multiple languages. After, the image has been transferred, the visual basic program will convert it to a BMP image and place it in a form.