U4431A MIPI M-PHY Protocol Analyzer

Data Sheets

Broad and deep insight into your mobile computing designs

Time correlate multiple busses and views. Up to 5 modules (M-PHY, D-PHYSM, PCI, DDR, and high-speed logic,) can be integrated in one mainframe, and multiple frames can be connected for even greater flexibility. Modules and protocols can be correlated and cross-triggered. This makes it easy to see how different parts of your design interact. Link multiple windows together (6) or track correlated events with up over 1,000 user-defined markers.

Customize your display in seconds. Isolate any packet’s header (5), or data as a packet payload (6) or individual lanes (4) with “peel off” tabs. Adjust data columns just like you would in a spreadsheet – drag and drop columns, double click dividers to resize, right-click to add/delete content.

Raw Mode (8) lets you see the “why” behind your protocol. Raw 8b/10b data that is acquired by the analyzer can be displayed as a time-correlated waveform view. Look even deeper by adding time-correlated traces from your Infiniium oscilloscope.

Get the “big picture” with analysis tools. The Overview tab (7) generates a count of the various types of traffic in any period of time, including errors; then step through each occurrence with embedded navigation tools. Use global markers to make time and occurrence measurements across all display views.

The Transaction Decoder converts MIPI® packets into the high-level application traffic they transport. This makes it easier to understand traffic flow in context. The Performance Overview tab (12) lets you see the long-term trends of key performance parameters like flow control and up/down data rates and bus utilization. Both tabs are fully integrated with other views with markers and window lock stepping.

Key features:

  • Track multiple M-PHY® busses from the PHY to the Application layer
  • Up to HS Gear 3 data rates
  • Up to 16 GB trace depth
  • Up to 4 data lanes
  • Raw Mode 8 b/10 b data views
  • N-way trigger branching
  • Performance analysis view for optimizing designs
  • Transaction level decode view for insight from signals to the application layer
  • Packet generation option for conformance and compliance testing of UniProSM and UFS

Target users: Designers and validators of

  • M-PHY
  • IP
  • Application processors
  • Memory/chipsets
  • Mobile devices
  • Mobile embedded systems

Isolate events with protocol-aware triggers

Simple drag-and-drop trigger macros can be quickly customized by clicking on the blue hyperlink. Or choose advanced if-then-else triggers to branch in any direction to up to 8 different conditions, and add a variety of qualifying conditions.

Trigger on packet types, PHY and stack errors, payload data (up to 32 bytes), flags, counters, and time delays. You can also specify speed, transmission type, and link state.

Probing that leverages Keysight’s high-speed oscilloscope and high-speed logic analysis technologies

The U4433A high-Z MIPI M-PHY differential probe connects to Keysight’s 12 GHz ZIF tips to ensure a flexible, yet non-intrusive connection. U4433A is the recommended probe for most applications.

The U4432A is an impedance-matched SMA probe for use with the packet generator option (613). It is not intended for mid-bus probing.

However, the N4230A breakout board can be used to give U4432A the impedance characteristics of the U4433A flying probe. As a result, you can connect your host and device boards with SMA cables, and they do not require a solder-in connection. Please refer to the U4431A Hardware and Probing guide (publication number U4431-97001) for proper use and topography.

Packet Generator (Option 613) and Conformance Testing for UFS/UniPro

The U4431A MIPI M-PHY analyzer also offers an optional packet generator (Option 613). This option allows the analyzer to emulate host system behavior while interacting with a UFS/UniPro device. The packet generator can bring up the UFS link, configure the device, and make read/write requests to the device. This makes it possible to test UFS conformance under a variety of conditions.

The analyzer can also capture the traffic sent to the target system, as well as all responses from the device – and can trigger on these responses. In this manner, Option 613 allows the analyzer to act as either a bi-directional mid-bus analyzer (Option 612) or as a packet generator + 1½ direction analyzer (packets-only capture in Tx direction + full analyzer features in Rx direction).

The packet generator is controlled at the command line and includes a library of functions and test scripts that can be customized by the user.