Data Sheets
Data Sheet
The Keysight Technologies, Inc. InfiniiVision 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, and 6000 X-Series digital storage and mixed signal oscilloscopes (DSOs and MSOs) are ideal for students to use in their undergraduate electrical engineering and physics circuits labs.
These X-Series scope families include 50 different models ranging from the lowest priced EDUX1002A (2 channel, 50 MHz DSO), to the highest performance MSOX6004 (4 channel, 6 GHz MSO). What makes these scopes even more compelling for the EE and physics education environment is the optional Educator’s Oscilloscope Training Kit (DSOXEDK).
The Educator’s Oscilloscope Training Kit provides an array of built-in training signals, so that electrical engineering and physics students can learn what an oscilloscope does and how they can perform basic oscilloscope measurements. Also included in the kit is a comprehensive oscilloscope lab guide and tutorial written specifically for the undergraduate student. Professors and students can download this at no charge.
Keysight also provides a PowerPoint slide-set that professors and lab assistants can use as a pre-lab lecture on oscilloscope fundamentals. This lecture takes about 30 minutes and should be presented before electrical engineering and physics students begin their first circuits lab. Note that this PowerPoint slide-set also includes a complete set of speaker notes.
- Up to 28 built-in student training signals
- Oscilloscope lab guide and tutorial
- Oscilloscope fundamentals PowerPoint slide-set
Built-in Oscilloscope Training Signals with Step-by-Step Instructions and Tutorial
An oscilloscope is the one measurement tool that students will use more than any other instrument to perform assigned circuit experiments.
Students will also use oscilloscopes extensively after they graduate and enter today’s electronics industry. So it is extremely important that they become proficient in the use of this vital tool.
These training signals are routed to two test lugs on the scope’s front panel and should be probed using the scope’s standard 10:1 passive probes.
Other training signals can be quite complex in order to train students how to use the scope’s more advanced triggering and measurement capabilities. No other test equipment is required other than the scope and two passive probes.
Along with the built-in training signals, professors and/or lab assistants and students can download the Oscilloscope Lab Guide and Tutorial. This guide provides a series of short oscilloscope labs with simple step-by-step instructions on accessing the training signals and setting up the scope to measure these signals.
This training guide also provides a tutorial on oscilloscope theory of operation, bandwidth and triggering basics. Although triggering is probably the most important oscilloscope capability, it is often the least understood.
The remaining nine labs provide instructions on how to trigger on, and make measurements on more complex signals. These short labs, which are optional and require about 15 minutes each, can be completed by students who want to learn how to use some of the scope’s more advanced functions. Alternatively professors may choose to assign specific labs they consider as important for students to complete.
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In addition to oscilloscopes, educational EE circuits or physics labs typically include a variety of test equipment. This equipment may include power supplies, digital multimeters, and function generators, which are used as a dynamic input source for assigned experiments.
Another option available on Keysight’s InfiniiVision X-Series scopes is the WaveGen built-in 20-MHz function/arbitrary waveform generator. Not only does the built-in function generator save valuable bench space in labs, it can also help stretch the limited test equipment budgets of electrical engineering and physics departments.
It should be noted that signals generated by WaveGen are different from the oscilloscope training signals that are provided with the DSOXEDK Educator’s Training Kit.
The WaveGen provides general-purpose 20-MHz function generator capabilities with user-definable frequencies, amplitudes, offset, and pulse widths. The WaveGen’s output is routed to a BNC on the front panel of the scope below the display. The WaveGen can produce the following wave shapes:
Output levels can range from 20 mVp-p up to 5.0 Vp-p when terminated into high impedance, or 10 mVp-p to 2.5 Vp-p- when terminated into 50-Ω. Note that dual WaveGen option on the 4000 and 6000 X-Series models has twice the output drive capability.
University Courseware from DreamCatcher
Learning how to use an oscilloscope is just the first step in the electrical engineering lab curriculum. Depending upon the specific EE courses, the core content of lab assignments will probably be focused on a variety of analog and digital circuit design experiments.
For ready-to-use EE lecturer slide-set and application-specific student training kit resources, Keysight recommends considering courseware from DreamCatcher 1.
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