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Measuring Battery Performance in Low-Power E-Mobility

Application Notes

In recent years, low-power e-mobility vehicles have gained immense popularity as sustainable and efficient modes of transportation. E-mobility, such as electric bicycles and scooters, offer numerous benefits, including reduced carbon emissions and lower operating costs. However, to fully maximize their potential, it is crucial to understand the battery performance and characteristics in these vehicles, specifically the battery charge/discharge characteristic, battery performance due to various load conditions and electronics used in the system, and, more importantly, an aging battery performance.


Key factors impacting battery life

In general, load affects the power and travel distance of the e-mobility. Load refers to the combined weight of the rider, cargo, and accessories carried on the vehicle. As the load increases, the power requirements of the electric motor also increase, leading to a decrease in the travel distance. Similarly, adding more high-end features such as a touchscreen user interface, wireless connection feature, GPS for navigation, headlights, or a high-performance brushless DC motor would consume more power from the battery. It is a constant battle between customers’ requested features versus battery performance, requiring manufacturers to make an informed decision to add or remove certain features without further sacrificing battery performance and customer demands.


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