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Characterize Self-Discharge Current
Measure cell self-discharge current in minutes

Look at Cell Self-Discharge In A New Way

To measure self-discharge performance, ideally you would directly measure the self-discharge current of the cell. This method will tell you whether the cell is good or bad much sooner than waiting for the cell’s open-circuit voltage (OCV) to change enough to reliably indicate good versus bad behavior. A high-performance potentiostatic analyzer can hold the cell voltage constant and stable. However, the cell will continue to self-discharge.
The self-discharge current flows through the parallel resistance RSD, which acts to decrease the voltage on the effective capacitance of the cell. But the potentiostatic analyzer holds the cell voltage constant because the analyzer supplies current to the cell equal to the cell’s self-discharge current. The analyzer accurately measures the supplied current, quickly making necessary direct current (DC) measurements with minimum disturbance to the cell-under-test.
As Lithium-ion (Li-Ion) cell manufacturers must quickly discern whether newly formed cells exhibit acceptable self-discharge behavior, being able to measure this behavior swiftly and accurately is now more critical than ever. This use case is particularly relevant for cell manufacturers in the e-mobility market.

Want to speed self-discharge current characterization?
Make Measurements in Minutes /Hours

Need to determine whether a cell is good or bad, sooner?
Realize Faster Evaluation Results

Looking to reduce overall cell cost?
Eliminate Days / Weeks of Cell Storage Time
Keysight Self-Discharge Measurement System
As a potentiostatic solution, the Keysight Self-Discharge Measurement System quickly measures the self-discharge behavior of Li-Ion cell designs, shortening your cell characterization schedule by weeks / months.
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