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33500U High-Stability Timebase Upgrade for 1 & 2-Channel 33500B Series Waveform Generators
High-Stability Timebase Upgrade for 1 & 2-Channel 33500B Series Waveform Generators
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- Keysight Direct Sales
33500U-OCX adds high-stability timebase to 1 and 2-channel 33500B Series waveform generators and offers 0.1 ppm stability, which is 20x more stable than the standard timebase over one year.
33500U-OCX adds high-stability timebase to 1 and 2-channel 33500B Series waveform generators and offers 0.1 ppm stability, which is 20x more stable than the standard timebase over one year.
Option available for the following models: 33509B, 33510B, 33511B, 33512B, 33519B, 33520B, 33521B, 33522B
Order as: 33500U-OCX
Upgrade contents: Hardware
Adjustments required: None by customer
Additional requirements: Return to Keysight for upgrade and calibration
Installed by and estimated Time: Keysight - to be determined upon receipt
Installed by, estimated installation time: Keysight - to be determined upon receipt
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