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For coherent transmission test Keysight offers instruments for the generation and analysis of complex modulated optical signals. Multichannel arbitrary waveform generators are typically used to synthesize complex modulated signals.
Optical modulation analyzers provide detailed insights into the complex modulated optical signals at the physical layer to determine signal quality or evaluate components that are designed for IQ modulation and demodulation.
Keysight offers the widest range of optical modulation analysis and synthesis instruments for testing up to 1 Tb/s – for your current and future needs.
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The N4391C optical modulation analyzer consists of a UXR real-time oscilloscope and a calibrated coherent optical receiver. Featuring full bandwidth upgradability, you can keep pace with your roadmap in the evolution of symbol rate classes for transceivers for 800 Gb/s, 1.2 Tb/s to 1.6 Tb/s used in the DCI (Data Center Interconnect). A new O-band solution enables coherent signal and device testing in the emerging 1.3 µm wavelength band for intra-datacenter interconnect use.
N4391B consists of a UXR real-time oscilloscope and a calibrated coherent optical receiver. It builds on the UXR series’ industry-leading noise performance and Keysight’s reliable and flexible vector signal analysis (VSA) software. New O-band version enables coherent signal and device testing in the emerging 1.3 µm wavelength band for intra-datacenter interconnect use. The N4391B helps you keep pace with the evolution of symbol rate classes of transceivers for 800 Gb/s, 1.2 Tb/s to 1.6 Tb/s, from advanced research through the development phase.
The M8290A optical modulation analyzer and HSD test solution platform for 400G coherent component and transmitter test. 92 GSa/s modular optical modulation analyzer.
The M8292A optical modulation analyzer provides a compact and rack-mountable test instrument that connects to the optical output of coherent transmitters.
The Keysight M8296A electrical high speed digitizer connects to the four differential outputs of an ICR and enables a quick set up for parametric tests.
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