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SL1002A Scienlab Battery Test System — Cell Level
Solution for testing battery cells with an output power up to ±3.6 kW and a voltage range up to 6 V.
Test System with up to 36 Channels. The Keysight SL1002A provides sink and source with 0 to 6 V, 100 to 600 A, 0.6 to 3.6 kW and 36 channels for battery cells.
SL1002A Scienlab Battery Test System – Cell Level
The SL1002A Scienlab Battery Test System for cell level testing emulates sink and source for battery cells for automotive and industrial applications. It enables reliable, precise and reproducible measurement results.
- Voltage range: 0 to 6 V
- Output current: ±100 A, ±300 A, ±600 A
(parallel connection for increasing current and power possible)
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