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Compact, multichannel vector signal generator capable of signal generation up to 8.5 GHz with 1 GHz of modulation bandwidth per channel.
50+ GHz プローブにより、802.3ck および PCIe®️ 6.0 設計のテストをより高速かつ柔軟に実行できます。
エンジニアが作成したコンテンツと、お役に立つ何千もの膨大なナレッジ ベースを探索します。
キーサイト Learnは、ソリューション、ブログ、イベントなど、関心のあるトピックに関する様々なコンテンツを提供しています。
This course talks about analyzing constantly evolving EMSO Threat simulation environments and new technology requirements.
Lesson 1 - Introduction - Test High Density EMSO Threat Simulation
Test High Density EMSO Threat Simulation from Lab to System | Lesson 1 of 10 |
Lesson 2 - The Test and Evaluation Workflow
Test High Density EMSO Threat Simulation from Lab to System | Lesson 2 of 10 |
Lesson 3 - Challenges of Simulating Threat Environments
Test High Density EMSO Threat Simulation from Lab to System | Lesson 3 of 10 |
Lesson 4 - New Technology Requirements: High Density Environment
Test High Density EMSO Threat Simulation from Lab to System | Lesson 4 of 10 |
Lesson 5 - High Fidelity Environment
Test High Density EMSO Threat Simulation from Lab to System | Lesson 5 of 10 |
Lesson 6 - High Angle of Arrival Quality
Test High Density EMSO Threat Simulation from Lab to System | Lesson 6 of 10 |
Lesson 7 - Scalability
Test High Density EMSO Threat Simulation from Lab to System | Lesson 7 of 10 |
Lesson 8 - Scenario Complexity
Test High Density EMSO Threat Simulation from Lab to System | Lesson 8 of 10 |
Lesson 9 - Flexibility
Test High Density EMSO Threat Simulation from Lab to System | Lesson 9 of 10 |
Lesson 10 - Requirement Summary and Keysight Solutions
Test High Density EMSO Threat Simulation from Lab to System | Lesson 10 of 10 |
Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations (EMSO) Test and Evaluation Solutions
Keysight provides complete end-to-end EW test solutions for designing, testing, and verifying EW System Under Test.
Z9500A Keysight EW Threat Simulation View
Keysight EW Threat Simulation View software is a rapid development, integration, and test tool for sophisticated electronic warfare systems.
UXG Signal Generators: Scale for Threat Simulation
Electronic warfare system testing and evaluation workflow moves from system simulation to system integration to hardware in the loop to installed system before open air range testing.
N5182B MXG Xシリーズ RFベクトル信号発生器、9 kHz~6 GHz
N5182B MXG Xシリーズ RFベクトル高性能信号発生器は、9 kHz~6 GHzの周波数レンジを備え、研究開発における「ゴールデントランスミッタ」となるように微調整されています。 Signal Studioソフトウェアを使用すれば、リアルタイム機能で実環境信号をシミュレートすることができます。
How to Test GNSS Receiver Sensitivity
Emulate real-world GNSS transmitter scenarios from your bench