Key Features
- - DAC/Switch unit (8-slots, up to 560 2-wire channels)
- Internal 6 ½ digit DMM for precision measurements
- Easy-to-read display to monitor the setup and measured values
- Easy-to-use front panel for manual setup control
- Scan rates at up to 1000 channels/second
- Computer interfaces: GPIB, USB, LAN (LXI)
- Easy remote access with built-in web interface
- Twenty-one different plug-in modules for the 34980A
- SCPI programming language, drivers included
- BenchVue software included with instrument
- BenchVue Test Flow to create test sequences without programming
High quality switching with built-in 6 ½ Digit Digital Multimeter (DMM)
- Wide variety of switching: General purpose, multiplexer, matrix, RF, μW, and μW relay driver
- Internal DMM measures DC/AC voltage and current, resistance, temperature, frequency/totalize
- Digital to analog converters for analog output
- Digital input and output
Uncompromising performance
- High precision measurements
- High quality switching
- High productivity software