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SSA-X Signal Source Analyzer Firmware Software Revision History
Additions/Changes for Version A.19.20.04 . . (compiled December 12, 2024)
New Features
- Keysight License Manager and PathWave License Manager updates
Issues Resolved
- [LXI] missing web link
- [Phase Noise] Power display in residual PN disappears by Recall
- Firmware doesn't start when it is installed to clean windows image
- "0.00 mdBm" is not comfortable
- Keysight License Notifier popup appears at every boot.
Additions/Changes for Version A.18.60.03 . . (compiled Oct 1, 2024)
New Features
- [Phase Noise] XCORR Counter
- [Phase Noise] Pulsed Residual
- RF Built in Source for SA and VNA measurement class.
- VNA supported application
- S96083B Vector and scalar mixer/converter measurements
- S96082B Scalar-calibrated converter measurements
- S96086B Gain compression application
- S96083B Vector and scalar mixer/converter measurements
Issues Resolved
- [Phase Noise] "Data -> New Trace" doesn't work for AVAR and ADEV
- [Phase Noise] Add valid frequency range check for each search band during carrier search sequence.
- [Phase Noise] RBW and ENBW of lower offset segments are saved 0.000 for Save Trace and Phase noise parameters
- [Phase Noise] Spur Tables cannot be closed after changing class
- [Phase Noise] Carrier found frequency range of IF check becomes narrower than before.
- [Phase Noise] Sweep indicator is not displayed when using Data->New Trace
- [Phase Noise] FW crash when executing measure path delay once in the residual measurement
- [Phase Noise] Enable Pulse check box is not working in the residual measurement
- [Phase Noise] Trace fluctuate every trigger at 8.1GHz in the residual measurement
- [Phase Noise] Total XCORR cannot shows the large numbers.
- [Phase Noise] Sweep is not finished by single trigger a certain setting in Base Band Noise measurement.
- [Phase Noise] Spurious, Integrated, Spot Noise table do not exist under [Show Table] softkey
- [Phase Noise] Arbitrary stop frequency (> 100MHz) can't be set from Setup dialog
- [Phase Noise] Setting parameter and changing stop offset causes the firmware crash
- [Phase Noise] Carrier NOT FOUND at pulsed phase noise measurement.
- [Phase Noise] There are cases that Upper Threshold of spur threshold table isn't loaded from file
- [Phase Noise] Editing box of Spur Threshold table and Weighting filter table has strange behavior
- [Phase Noise] Setup dialog: Using same label "Source" is confusing (Group name "Source" in Sweep tab and "Source" tab)
- [Phase Noise] Carrier not found at 5GHz -20dBm after 1MHz -20dBm measurement.
- [VNA] Power Limit control is disabled in preferences dialog.
- [Clock Jitter] JLIS query returns the duplicate first elements
- [Clock Jitter] Error when Jitter App is closing by x button
- [Clock Jitter] “Detected clock” of box comes up with up/down arrows if some value is entered in it.
- [Clock Jitter] Input clock and target PJ frequency value cannot be set using the SCPI's
- [Clock Jitter] TPFR Query SCPI returning 1*10^6 but it is set to 0.1 kHz
- [Spectrum Analyzer] Processing tab of Setup dialog: ImageReject traces couldn't be shown even though "Display image reject traces" is checked
- [Spectrum Analyzer] Data tab of Setup dialog: Export IQ data settings are shown even though IQ data couldn't generate
- [Spectrum Analyzer] The spinbox sizes for Attenuators of SA Setup dialog are not up to the mark.
- [Spectrum Analyzer] Firmware crash when set at RBW 100kHz.The units(MHz and kHz) for Input clock and Target PJ Frequency are editable.
- [DC] Cannot set to Low Noise Mode when Default DC is used.
Additions/Changes for Version A.17.40.19 . . (compiled Sep 6, 2024)
Issues Resolved
- E5056A to 58A Src Out phase noise issue.
Additions/Changes for Version A.17.40.18 . . (compiled Jul 1, 2024, this version is removed from the previous page)
Issues Resolved
- Unexpected internal setting in E5055A (1-Port model only) Wideband Transient.
Additions/Changes for Version A.17.40.16 . . (compiled May 22, 2024, this version is removed from the previous page)
New Features
- Support E5056A, E5057A and E5058A.
Issues Resolved
- A system error message is not shown when external reference is unlocked.
- [Phase Noise] Carrier NOT FOUND at pulsed phase noise measurement.
Additions/Changes for Version A.15.80.27 . . (compiled November 10, 2023)
- Support new licenses with new format (S96xxxB without suffix, such as -1FP)
Issues Resolved
- Phase Reference doesn't work correctly.
- Narrow Band phase is reversed incorrectly.
Additions/Changes for Version A.15.80.24 . . (compiled July 7, 2023, this version is removed from the previous page)
- Core Software is no longer necessary. (Firmware can boot without Core Software)
Issues Resolved
- Phase noise setup dialog cannot be opened after recall state.
Additions/Changes for Version A.15.80.22 . . (compiled June 13, 2023, this version is removed from the previous page)
New features
- DC source: Changed User Interface
- [Phase Noise] Segment table: add Total XCORR
- [Phase Noise] Status bar: add RBW% and Spur Analysis status.
- [Phase Noise] Stop offset frequency: add 5 MHz and 20 MHz
- [Phase Noise] External Reference: change the reference usage for Phase Noise measurements.
- [Phase Noise] Quick Trace: change default setting to off
- [Phase Noise] Add Search Once
- [Phase Noise] Add Omit System Spurs (command only)
- [Phase Noise] Improve Omit User Specified Spurs
- [Phase Noise] Pulse measurements: Show the status bar and softkey
- [Phase Noise] Add manual setting with maximum input level for Gain setting in RF Path tab
- [Phase Noise] Segment table: increase maximum XCORR to 2,000,000
- [Transient] Improve the measurement speed in case of large number of points.
- The trace is NOT averaged in sweep average.
- [Phase Noise] Strange baseband trace after pulse is set to ON
- [Phase Noise] Strange trace immediate after external reference unlock
- [Phase Noise] XCORR gain indicator (offset >30MHz) looks strange when XCORR factor is set at 10, 100
- [Transient] Discontinuity in the frequency trace
Additions/Changes for Version A.15.80.13 . . . (compiled Dec 15, 2022, this version is removed from the previous page)
Issues Resolved
- "Reference is locked/not locked" is displayed at every sweep when Stop offset frequency is set at 30 MHz.
- Baseband: Shows abnormal trace at 6M-10MHz range.
- Added internal reference lock/unlock check.
- Phase Noise: Log based X-axis scale is not magnified properly
- Phase Noise" Change the label from "Gain Indicator" to “XCORR Gain Indicator “in Phase Noise Setup dialog
Additions/Changes for Version A.15.80.12 . . . (compiled Sep 30, 2022, this version is removed from the previous page)
New Features
- [Phase Noise] Extended offset frequency for 10MHz carrier signal
- [Pulsed Phase Noise] Stop offset is extended to 80 % of decimation filter cut-off frequency.
- [Transient]Phase zero position default value change
- [Transient] Minimum Input level feature for Video Trigger
- [VCO] Auto range sequence doesn't match with control sequence specification for resolution=0.1Hz to 1kHz
Issues Resolved
- Marker resolution is 10kHz even though X-axis is log when marker discrete=off
- Decimal Places in Marker tab of Customized Display does not work properly
- [VCO] the Marker -> Freq Reference softkey disappears
- [Transient] Video Trigger x reference line sometimes won't move
- [Transient] FW will crash by trying to open Video Trigger Softkey tab
- [Phase Noise] Auto range check box disappears after returning from baseband measurement.
- [Phase Noise] Lack 'z' in the notation of 'dBc/Hz' when marker decimal places is changed 9 for response marker.
- [Pulse] Measurement below RBW 0.3% does not work in pulse phase noise measurement.
- [Pulse] Measurement result at pulse period < 70nsec is not correct in pulse phase noise measurement.
- [SA] Firmware crash when trying to delete SA trace after turning on/off band search or notch search
- Fatal error when recalling state, TRIG:CHAN500:TR:VID:SOUR NB2
- Fatal error when recalling state, TRIG:CHAN500:TR:VID:ENAB ON
- Fatal error when recalling state, TRIG:CHAN500:TR:VID:ENAB ON
- Fail occasionally at firmware launch by Windows restart
Revision A.15.80.08 ... (compiled Jun 9, 2022, this version is removed from the previous page)
Initial revision for E5055A.