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N9953BU FieldFox Handheld Software
Software for a lightweight, durable cable and antenna analyzer, spectrum analyzer, network analyzer, and more
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Enable deeper insights in measurement and analysis by expanding the capabilities of your FieldFox handheld analyzer with field-upgradeable software licenses. These capabilities are engineered to deliver benchtop results into the field.
- Handle routine maintenance and in-depth troubleshooting with one instrument
- Maximize performance with network analyzer, spectrum analyzer, built-in power meter, vector voltmeter, and more
- Order with a new instrument or upgrade an existing instrument
Base model includes a cable and antenna tester (CAT).
Spectrum Analysis
Cable, Antenna, & Network Analysis
5G / LTE Field Test
Power Measurements
Learn more about each software option in the Technical Overview.
Find the Base Model That's Right for You
Extend the Capabilities
Featured Resources
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