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34952A Multifunction Module with 32-bit DIO, 2-ch D/A and Totalizer for 34980A
Multifunction Module with 32-bit DIO, 2-ch D/A and Totalizer for 34980A
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Combines 32-bits of digital I/O, a 100 kHz gated totalizer, and two +/- 12V analog outputs in one module.
The Keysight 34952A module for the 34980A Multifunction Switch/Measure Unit allows great flexibility for a variety of sense and control applications.It combines the following on a single earth-referenced module:
- four 8-bit channels of digital input and output,
- a 100 kHz gated totalizer,
- two ±12V analog outputs
Standard 50-pin Dsub connectors allow for use with standard cables, terminal blocks, or mass interconnect solutions.
- Learn more Switch/Measure 10-Tips Videos
- Not sure if this is the right module? See all of the modules side by side.
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