SL1093A Scienlab Charging Discover


Scienlab Charging Discover


SL1093A-1FP Charging Discover (Operating Software)

The SL1093A Scienlab Charging Discover (CD) software controls the Charging Discovery System (CDS). This is required to operate the system, visualize measured values, record test sequences, and generate reports. Charging Discover is specifically tailored to the charging technology application requirements and includes the following central functions:

  • Test project manager for easy selection, parametrization, and batch processing of individual test cases
  • CDS system configuration for the required use case, e.g. EV or EVSE test
  • Data acquisition and recording of all CDS measured values
  • Live view of the desired measured values in the form of digital displays and an XY graph
  • User updating of the CDS firmware via an integrated update window. Transfer via Ethernet.
  • Import, view, edit and creation* of customer-specific test cases
  • Export measured values in common file formats (.csv; .mdf)

The user defines which values to measure and record. Evaluation is possible during live measurement and is simplified by the intuitive selection and scaling tools.

  • Effective measurement data graphs during the entire test for fast and convenient evaluation of large volumes of data.
  • Common time stamps for time-synchronous measurement data analysis in millisecond intervals
  • Offline use for evaluating recorded tests. 

R-09S-012-A SW Maintenance Contract CDS for 12 Months

All updates are free of charge for the first six months after the initial operational handover. This software maintenance contract starts after that period and is valid for 12 months. It includes free access to updates for:

  • Charging Discover: new releases and patches
  • Test Editor: extensions of command set and patches
  • Extensions and new editions of charging communication protocol stacks
  • Price per license/system
  • Validity: 12 months, follow-up agreement can be renewed during this period

R-09S-024-A SW Maintenance Contract CDS for 24 Months

The same as R-09S-012-A except:

  • Validity: 24 months, follow-up agreement can be renewed during this period

R-09S-036-A SW Maintenance Contract CDS for 36 Months

The same as R-09S-012-A except:

  • Validity: 36 months, follow-up agreement can be renewed during this period