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N9021B MXA Signal Analyzer, 10 Hz to 50 GHz
Up to 510 MHz of analysis bandwidth and low phase noise at high frequencies for wireless device test
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Save 20% on Eligible Signal Analyzers
For a limited time, save on signal analyzers ideal for wireless device test with wide analysis bandwidth and low phase noise.
Already Own a Performance Signal Analyzer?
Trade in your current signal analyzer or a competitor's model and get a credit of up to 40% toward a new N9032B PXA.
The Optimum Choice in Wireless for New-Generation Devices
Increase throughput while minimizing costs with the fastest, most accurate signal and spectrum measurements in a midrange signal analyzer.
- Evolve test needs of advanced wireless R&D and manufacturing with the widest analysis bandwidth in its class and superior phase noise performance at high frequencies
- See through the complexity of challenging signals with RTSA and industry-leading PathWave 89600 VSA software
- Simplify testing with one-button measurements from PathWave X-Series measurement applications
- Enable faster test time with enhanced frequency sweep algorithm and hardware-based signal processing without compromising RF performance
Key Specifications
50 GHz
-167 dBm
Maximum Analysis Bandwidth
510 MHz
Maximum Real Time Bandwidth
510 MHz
Phase Noise @1 GHz (10 kHz offset)
-130 dBc/Hz
Signal Analyzer
Maximum Analysis Bandwidth
Maximum Real Time Bandwidth
Phase Noise @1 GHz (10 kHz offset)
50 GHz
-167 dBm
510 MHz
510 MHz
-130 dBc/Hz
Signal Analyzer
Mehr anzeigen
Bandwidth Options:
255 MHz
510 MHz
DANL @1 GHz:
-167 dBm
50 GHz
Frequency Options:
8.4 GHz
13.6 GHz
26.5 GHz
32 GHz
44 GHz
50 GHz
Mixers to 1.1 THz
Max. Bandwidth:
510 MHz
Maximum Analysis Bandwidth:
510 MHz
Maximum Bandwidth:
510 MHz
Maximum Frequency:
50 GHz
Maximum Real Time Bandwidth:
510 MHz
Overall Amplitude Accuracy:
±0.19 dB
Performance Level:
Phase Noise @1 GHz (10 kHz offset):
-130 dBc/Hz
Real Time Spectrum Analysis:
TOI @ 2 GHz (3rd Order Intercept):
+22 dBm
Signal Analyzer

X-Series Applications — Simplify Complex Measurements and Deliver Repeatable Results
Understand the performance of your cellular, wireless, and aerospace/defense devices and designs with downloadable PathWave X-Series measurement applications.
- Gain more insight into device performance from parametric measurements to the latest standards-compliant wireless measurements, including LTE and WLAN
- Accelerate design with integrated applications that put consistent measurements at your fingertips across design, validation, and production
- Leverage built-in measurement expertise to quickly understand signals and device performance
- Share applications across multiple instruments with available transportable licenses

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