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S7980A Wideband Streaming Record and Playback Solution
The Keysight S7980A Record solution combines quality RF recording of live signal environments and in-depth analysis and playback into one convenient, transportable chassis.
The S7980A wideband RF/μW record and streaming playback solution provides users with intuitive software for configuration, setup, signal preview, and file management. This combination of well integrated instruments, conversion utilities, and easy-to-use workflow make this solution a flexible tool for a wide variety of record and playback applications.
The Record Playback Manager (RPM) software guides the user through a structured workflow that turns a complex process into an easy setup and execution. It offers:
- Easy configuration and operation, “point and shoot”
- Workflow based user interface
- Comprehensive file management
- Embedded file viewer for immediate review and editing
- Record and playback operations all in one application
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