- Enables Infiniium oscilloscopes to execute customized math and analysis functions
- Includes the UDF and MATLAB software environment required for users to create, modify, and/or execute the UDF functions
- Create your own custom functions (or modify included functions) using the power of MATLAB software
- Only Keysight provides both the custom measurement capability and the MATLAB software environment in a single oscilloscope option
- Additional UDF functions and MATLAB examples are provided to customers who purchase this N8806A option from Keysight
System Requirements/Compatibilities
- Keysight Infiniium 9000A, 9000 H-, 90000, 90000 X-, or 90000 Q-Series oscilloscope (Rev 3.0 or later)
N8806A option overview
N8806A User Defined Function for Editing and Execution (UDF) lets Keysight oscilloscope users create and execute their own customized math and analysis functions live directly on the oscilloscope screen, just like any standard function on the oscilloscope. These functions are necessary when you need to create functions or measurements that are unique to your test and cannot be included directly with the oscilloscope. Order the N8806A option with your Keysight Infiniium oscilloscope and be able to make customized, application-specific measurements with your oscilloscope.
We recommend ordering the N8806A option today with your Keysight Infiniium oscilloscope if you need to make application-specific measurements or might need to make custom measurements with your oscilloscope in the future. Infiniium oscilloscope users can also purchase this option as an upgrade option if they did not order it at the time of their oscilloscope purchase, but this will require a separate purchase order.
N8806A includes User Defined Function and MATLAB software required for users to create, modify, and/or execute the UDF functions and access additional example UDF functions not included with the oscilloscope as well as multiple MATLAB application examples to get you started using MATLAB software with Keysight oscilloscopes or other instruments.
User Defined Function (UDF) overview
The Keysight Infiniium User Defined Function lets you display your own math and analysis functions created in MATLAB live directly on the oscilloscope screen, just like any of the oscilloscope’s standard functions. UDF consists of two components: an XML file and a MATLAB script file. The XML file defines the components of the graphical user interface that appear on the “Math” dialog box. XML files can be used to create a user interface for a Butterworth low-pass filter. You will define the name of the function, abbreviation, source types, and controls in the XML file. The Infiniium user defined function can support up to two sources (one source, two sources, or clock/data combination) and two controls. It also comes with a standard XML schema if you wish to validate your XML file. (Look on public websites for a free XML syntax checker that you can use in conjunction with the XML schema.)
The MATLAB script is the main piece of the UDF function, which is developed in the MATLAB environment using MATLAB’s software tools and programming language. The functions “butter” and “filter” available in MATLAB and its Signal Processing Toolbox (both included with N8806A) are the essential components for making this user definable filter. Multiple custom user defined functions are already provided with the Infiniium oscilloscope when you purchase the N8806A UDF option. Provided functions are defined below. Use MATLAB to create your own new functions or modify and execute existing functions to meet your own unique testing challenges.
MATLAB overview
MATLAB is a well-known data analysis software environment and programming language used by more than 1,000,000 design and test engineers. MATLAB is used to make measurements, analyze and visualize data, control instruments, and build test systems for Keysight oscilloscopes and other instruments. The MATLAB software provided with the N8806A UDF option is the same as the MATLAB - Standard Oscilloscope Package (-062 option) available as a Keysight instrument option. This option provides MATLAB, Instrument Control Toolbox, Signal Processing Toolbox, and DSP System Toolbox. Only Keysight provides both the custom measurement capability and the MATLAB software environment in a single oscilloscope option.
N8806A - additional UDF functions included with N8806A order
Users who purchase the N8806A with their Infiniium oscilloscope or as an instrument upgrade receive the UDF and MATLAB software environment required to create, modify, and/or execute the UDF functions. In addition, N8806A option users receive access to multiple UDF functions to get started including UDFs not included. UDF functions available with N8806A UDF include:
- Butterworth filtering, FIR, LFE, RTEye, SQRT waveform, and SQRT sum of squares
- Additional functions provided with the N8806A order: Hilbert transform to measure the time-sidelobe of a RADAR signal and NTSC/video decode to acquire and apply custom decoding schemes to waveforms
- Additional application-specific examples for using MATLAB software with your Keysight oscilloscope or other instrument
Getting started using N8806A User Defined Function for your Keysight oscilloscope
- Watch the video (3:56) called “Creating custom analysis routines with User Defined Functions” to learn about N8806A UDF and how it is used to make customized measurements. (Presented by Neil Hoffman, Keysight oscilloscopes specialist.)
- View the data sheet for more technical and ordering specifics on the N8806A option.
- Request a custom quote to quickly receive a quote of the N8806A User Defined Function for your Keysight Infiniium oscilloscope.