This firmware upgrade is intended to be downloaded to a PC. It is only to be used with 8712ET, 8712ES, 8714ET, and 8714ES Network Analyzers.

The following procedure downloads a compressed file to a PC then creates the two floppy disks that are necessary for acutally loading the firmware into the network analyzer. The floppy disks for this version of the firmware are DOS format, unlike the LIF format for earlier models of the network analyzer. Before starting this procedure, be sure to have two freshly formatted high density (1.44 MB) floppy disks available.

Procedure for Downloading the Firmware in DOS Format:

  • Click on the hyperlink at the end of these instructions, "Firmware Revision E.05.02." Depending upon your specific web browser setup, you may be asked where you want to place the file. Choose some location on your HARD disk. For example, use "C:\temp" as the directory and "e_05_02.exe" as the filename.
  • Once the file has transferred, you must change to its directory and execute the self-extracting ".exe" program. This will create two files: disk1.exe and disk2.exe.
  • Insert an empty floppy disk into the PC then execute disk1.exe. Unzip it to "a:\". The first firmware disk will be created. Label the disk with revision and disk number. Set the write protect tab on the disk.
  • Insert the other empty floppy disk into the PC then execute disk2.exe. Again unzip to "a:\". the second firmware disk will be created. Label the disk with revision and disk number. Set the write protect tab on the disk.

The firmware is now ready to be loaded into the network analyzer.

To install the firmware, insert the floppy disk containing the contents of the Disk1 directory into the analyzer's floppy drive and cycle power. The analyzer will automatically find the firmware and prompt you to begin the installation process. During the installation process, you will be prompted to insert Disk 2. The entire installation process takes approximately 15 minutes.

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릴리스 날짜 버젼 버전 설명
2004-02-20 E.05.02 Keysight 8712ES/ET and 8714ES/ET Network Analyzer Firmware Upgrade
릴리스 날짜 버젼
2004-02-20 E.05.02
Version Description
Keysight 8712ES/ET and 8714ES/ET Network Analyzer Firmware Upgrade

다운로드 방법

  • See Above

설치 방법

  • See Above


  • Does Not Require a License

Installs on: Instrument

선결 조건

  • See Above

지원되는 계측기

  • See Above
사용 가능한 소프트웨어 버전이 없습니다.