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다운로드 방법
- The software download is available in Keysight Software Management System (KSM) for customers who have signed up Software Update Subscription. Please contact your local support team on the subscription enrollment.
- The ‘Continue’ button will direct you to the KSM page. Please log in and redeem the software by entering the certificate details you received through email from Keysight.
- Requires a License
지원 문서
Installs on: PC
운영 체제
- Windows 10 Professional (64-bit)
- Windows 11 Professional (64-bit)
- Windows 11 Enterprise (64-bit)
- In addition, ensure that all Windows updates are installed
선결 조건
- Hardware
- Processor
Core Intel Pentium 4 or better (minimum 1.8GHz) - Memory
Recommended 16GB RAM (minimum 8GB RAM) - Disk Space
Minimum 10GB on the installation drive (can be any drive), plus 1GB on C: drive.
- Processor
- Display Properties
- Minumum screen properties
1024 x 768 (1600x900 - R&D Verified) - Color quality
Miminum 16-bit
- Minumum screen properties
지원되는 계측기
- N1125A, N1127A