USB Software Package for InfiniiVision X-Series Oscilloscopes

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The USB Software Package for Keysight’s InfiniiVision oscilloscopes enables USB 2.0 low-, full-, and hi-speed protocol triggering and decode, as well as USB PD (Power Delivery) trigger and decode. This package also enables other advanced analysis capabilities including USB 2.0 automated signal quality testing, jitter analysis, mask testing, and frequency response analysis (Bode plots) to help test and debug high-speed digital signals, such as USB 2.0.


The primary reason engineers use oscilloscopes to debug and characterize serial buses, such as USB 2.0 is because of an oscilloscope’s inherent ability to characterize the analog quality of these signals. Performing analog characterization using an oscilloscope is often referred to as “physical layer” measurements. Table 1 lists the specific measurement capabilities that are enabled on each series with the USB Software Package for Keysight Technologies InfiniiVision X-Series oscilloscopes.

When licensed with the USB Software Package, Keysight’s InfiniiVision 3000T, 4000, and 6000 X-Series oscilloscopes can not only trigger on a broad range of USB 2.0 specific packet types (handshake, token, data, etc.) and errors, but the scope also provides a time-correlated decode trace of each packet below captured waveforms so that you can directly compare the quality of waveforms that produce each decoded byte. In addition, the scope can also display a tabular list of multiple and consecutively captured and decoded packets in the upper half of the scope’s display as shown in Figure 1.

Keysight InfiniiVision X-Series oscilloscopes utilize hardware-based decoding as opposed to conventional oscilloscope software-based decoding. This means that the scope remains responsive and fast when decoding is turned on. And with a virtual real-time update of the USB decode trace, the scope has a much higher probability of detecting infrequent USB errors such as PID errors or CRC errors as compared to other oscilloscopes that utilize software-based decoding.

USB PD (Power Delivery)

  • Supports decoding and triggering on the USB PD protocol
  • Hardware-based decoding to capture random and infrequent errors quickly
  • Supports dual-bus analysis with time-interleave lister display
  • Trigger on Preamble, EOP, and Ordered sets (SOP, SOP’, SOP”, etc.)
  • Trigger on Header content hexadecimally, or on symbolic messages including control message types, data message types, or extended message types

Advanced Analysis

USB 2.0 Signal Quality Test

With Keysight’s USB 2.0 signal quality test capability on InfiniiVision 4000 or 6000 X-Series oscilloscopes, engineers now have a more affordable pre-compliance test solution that can perform what many consider to be the most important series of USB 2.0 physical layer tests (signal quality) before running their final product through complete certification testing at a USB-IF designated workshop.


  • Pass/fail test comparison standards based on low-speed, full-speed, hi-speed, far-end, near-end, host, and device specifications
  • Real-time eye test
  • Consecutive, paired JK, and paired KJ jitter
  • Sync test
  • Cross-over voltage (low- and full-speed only)
  • EOP bit-width
  • Signaling rate
  • Edge monotonicity
  • Rise/fall edge rate
  • Edge rate match (low- and full-speed only)
  • HTML pass/fail report generation