Using PrecisionProbe Software on the Infiniium 9000 Series Oscilloscopes to Correct for Probe Loss

애플리케이션 노트

Oscilloscope probes provide the vital link between an object to be measured and the oscilloscope. Because they are inherently lossy, probes influence both the accuracy of the measurement result and measurement repeatability. To compensate for the inherent loss, various techniques (e.g., probe correction via digital signal processing (DSP) or use of higher bandwidth probe heads) have been employed with mixed results. Over the last few years, waveform transformation software has made it possible to minimize the errors caused by the probing system, but the process is long and arduous. This application note introduces an easier and quicker solution for addressing the loss due to the probing system and its impact on oscilloscope measurements. The solution—the Keysight Technologies, Inc. PrecisionProbe software running on the Infiniium 9000 Series oscilloscopes—enables quick characterization of the entire probe system, making it increasingly more difficult for engineers to simply ignore the loss.