
Symbol clock frequency tolerance measures the symbol clock frequency offset from the desired symbol clock frequency.


  • IEEE Std. 802.11a-1999 16 September 1999 Paragraph Symbol clock frequency tolerance

Measurement Subtleties

The symbol clock frequency tolerance is important because circuit transients can produce time-varying frequency changes in the local oscillator. The performance of the equalizer in the receiver depends on the preamble sequence used for training, which can be adversely affected by the transient frequency instabilities in the transmitter.

Test Tools

The symbol clock frequency tolerance measurement can be inferred, using the 89601A vector signal analysis software in conjunction with a Keysight signal analyzer. The easiest way to perform this measurement is by using the 89607A WLAN test suite. This will provide you with test results for the symbol clock frequency tolerance and other physical layer transmitter tests.

You can use the 89600 Series vector signal analyzer standalone, in conjunction with the ESA-E and PSA series Spectrum analyzers, and with several of Keysight's Infiniium family of oscilloscopes.

You can use the ESA or PSA Series spectrum analyzers as down-converting front ends for the 89600 (with specific options). This provides vector signal analysis capabilities up to 50 GHz. You can also use 89600 as standalone. This provides vector signal analysis up to 6 GHz, with one or two channel inputs, for IQ, IF, and RF measurements.