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Functional Test
Achieve your functional test needs on time and in budget
TTCI creates functional test solutions by building on the capabilities of the Keysight TS-5000 series of functional test platforms. With its extensive experience in functional test and its worldwide service and support organization TTCI can fully utilize the capabilities of the Keysight TS-5000 series to supply cost-effective solutions that achieve your exact functional test needs.
- Configurable functional test systems that meet your exact needs
- Based on Keysight TS-5000 series functional test platform
- Configured with Keysight switching matrix, power supplies and instrumentation
- Can use Keysight standalone, modular or card-cage instruments
- Complete solutions from requirements definition to deployment
- Achieve your functional test needs on time and in budget
- Request more information and Keysight’s partner, TTCI, will contact you to discuss your requirements in more detail.