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K8217B Cover Extend Feature, GTE 10.00p
Cover-Extend Technology (CET) extends the Boundary Scan limited access solution on non-boundary scan devices with the use of VTEP or nanoVTEP and CET signal conditioner card hardware.
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Cover-Extend Technology (CET) extends the Boundary Scan limited access solution on non-boundary scan devices with the use of VTEP or nanoVTEP and CET signal conditioner card hardware.
Cover-Extend Technology (CET) extends the measurement capability of VTEP or nanoVTEP into powered testing by using the Boundary Scan output cell to test the connectors and socket signal pins. This capability extends the Boundary Scan limited access solution on non-boundary scan devices with the use of VTEP or nanoVTEP and CET signal conditioner card hardware.
The Cover-Extend measurement is accomplished by using the Boundary Scan output cell to drive signals to the connector/socket and non-boundary scan devices. The signal picked up by the VTEP sensor plate is amplified and filtered by the Cover-Extend signal conditioner card to improve signal quality.
The CET feature automatically generates test vectors on the target device under test.
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