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Signal Source Analyzer Software
Increase values to you phase noise analysis

Add Versatility to Your Phase Noise Measurements
Modern signal source/synthesizers/clocks characterization requires not just the phase noise analysis, but more in-depth and comprehensive analysis. Keysight signal source analyzer software applications brings you the versatility and accurate evaluations and analysis on the new E5055A SSA-X Signal Source Analyzer to meet with your latest measurement needs.
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The Precision clock jitter analysis software enables to measure and evaluate more precisely and accurately for today’s advanced clock-signal jitter on E505xA SSA-X Signal Source Analyzers.
Enables phase noise and AM noise measurements for pulsed-RF signals on SSA-X Signal Source Analyzer.
The spectrum analyzer (SA) application adds full-span (8 GHz) and microwave spectrum analysis to the E5055A SSA-X signal source analyzer. With fast stepped FFT sweeps, the SA application provides quick spectrum and spurious analysis over entire frequency ranges.
The spectrum analyzer (SA) application adds high-performance microwave spectrum analysis to the E5056A 26.5 GHz SSA-X Signal Source Analyzer. With fast-stepped FFT sweeps, the SA application provides quick signal and spurious analysis/searches over broad frequency ranges.
The spectrum analyzer (SA) application adds high-performance microwave spectrum analysis to the E5057A 44 GHz SSA-X Signal Source Analyzer. With fast stepped-FFT sweeps, the SA application provides quick signal and spurious analysis/searches over broad frequency ranges.
The spectrum analyzer (SA) application adds high-performance microwave spectrum analysis to the E5058A 54 GHz SSA-X Signal Source Analyzer. With fast-stepped FFT sweeps, the SA application provides quick signal and spurious analysis/searches over broad frequency ranges.
The S963015B enhances the E5055A SSA-X signal source analyzer with various useful measurement capabilities for signal source and phase noise analysis applications.
S963016B SSA-X signal source analyzer advanced features software adds the user settable cycles of the cross-correlation (XCORR) feature and some additional useful features to the E5056A 26.5 GHz SSA-X.
S963017B SSA-X signal source analyzer advanced features software adds the user settable cycles of the cross-correlation (XCORR) feature and some additional useful features to the E5057A 44 GHz SSA-X.
S963018B SSA-X signal source analyzer advanced features software adds the user settable cycles of the cross-correlation (XCORR) feature and some additional useful features to the E5058A 54 GHz SSA-X.
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