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E2679B InfiniiMax Single-ended Solder-in Probe Head
Reach into tight spaces with 4-in lead length; includes damping and 0 Ω ground resistors
Vertrieben durch:
- Autorisierte Vertriebspartner
- Keysight Direct Sales
- ≤6 GHz input
- Low loading, different input capacitance < = 270 fF
- Reliable, semi-permanent connection
- 4” lead length for reaching into tight spaces such as DIMM socket
InfiniiMax single-ended solder-in probe head and accessories. Includes 16 full bandwidth and 8 medium bandwidth damping resistors and 24 zero ohm ground resistors. Order E2672A for replacement accessories.
The E2679B is the RoHS compliant version of the E2679A. The E2679B is 100% form, fit, function and price equivalent to the E2679A.

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