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10769B Turning Mirror on Universal Mount
The Keysight 10769B turning mirror on universal mount deflects a laser beam at any angle, in either the vertical or horizontal polarization plane. Primarily used in calibrator systems.
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- Autorisierte Vertriebspartner
- Keysight Direct Sales
- Coating: Hard dielectric
- Clear Aperture: Central oval 25 mm x 45 mm (1.0 in x 1.8 in)
- Flatness: 1/10 wavelength at 633 nm
- Reflectance: >= 90% over incidence range of 0 to 60 degrees at 633 nm (both s and p polarizations)
The Keysight 10769B Turning Mirror on Universal Mount deflects a laser beam at any angle, in either the vertical or the horizontal polarization plane of the beam. The 10769B contains the same turning mirror as the 10769A, but has a different mounting.

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