
Multiple Measurements, One Setup

Accelerate 5G and satellite communication component characterization with the Keysight E5081A ENA-X vector network analyzer (VNA). The ENA-X is the only solution that produces fast and accurate EVM measurements on a mid-range network analyzer.

Our spectral correlation technique directly analyzes the modulated input and output signals in the frequency domain on the network analyzer. Current solutions on the market require a network and spectrum analyzer to characterize components fully. With the new ENA-X, you can ensure test accuracy and repeatability with a single test setup using full vector correction at the DUT plane. Avoid manually reconfiguring setups or automating complex switch-based systems — verify device performance faster and with less error potential with the ENA-X network analyzer.

  • Achieve the lowest residual EVM with integrated modulation distortion software.
  • Ensure test accuracy and improve noise figure measurements with wide dynamic range.
  • Perform flexible high-power tests with direct receiver access to integrate booster amplifiers, attenuators, or directional couplers.




  • Address input port mismatch, channel power, and source errors with vector-corrected calibration at the DUT plane.
  • Test faster with modulated distortion and spectrum analysis, noise figure, vector mixer measurements, and more with one instrument.

Get Multiple Measurements with a Single Connection

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  • Experience duration: 30 days

5G New Radio (NR) Power Amplifier Test

Develop and deploy faster, with less risk. Testing 5G new radio transmitters in the FR1 and FR2 frequency bands requires accuracy and repeatability to ensure conformance with the latest standards. Conventional active device measurement setups require multiple instruments. Avoid wasting valuable time by manually reconfiguring setups or automating complex switch-based systems. Get realistic component performance characteristics under modulated stimulus up to 44 GHz in half the time using the E5081A ENA-X network analyzer.

Power Amplifier Performance Verification Essentials
How to Characterize Low-Noise Amplifiers white paper

Low-Noise Amplifier Characterization

Receivers only operate as well as their internal low-noise amplifiers perform. However, amplifiers prove to be the most challenging system component to characterize fully. Learn how the Keysight E5081A ENA-X network analyzer simplifies low-noise amplifier performance verification by using flexible hardware and advanced software capabilities to improve measurement accuracy and repeatability.

Simplified Test Setup

The E5081A ENA-X enables multiple measurements in a single test setup. Integrated hardware and advanced network analysis software enable the E5081A network analyzer to simplify active device characterization while reducing test cycle time.

Integrated features of the E5081A ENA-X network analyzer include:

  • modulation distortion measurements up to 44 GHz
  • low-noise receiver on port 1 and 2
  • direct receiver access for high-power tests
E5081A ENA-X network analyzer
E5081A ENA-X network analyzer with modulation distortion software on a desktop monitor

E5081A Network Analyzer Software

The E5081A network analyzer software applications enable fast, accurate, and repeatable active device characterization using modulated signals. Simplify complex measurements like EVM and ACPR with the E5081A’s software applications such as modulation distortion analysis, spectrum analysis, noise figure measurements, pulsed-RF tests, and more.

주요 사양

내장 포트 수
최대 주파수
44 GHz
Number of Internal Sources
VNA Series
VNA Type
내장 포트 수
최대 주파수
Number of Internal Sources
VNA Series
VNA Type
44 GHz
더 보기
Noise Figure
Modulation Distortion
201 포인트, 1 스위프일 때 최고 속도:
3 ms
Low-noise Amplifiers
Power Amplifiers
Mixers/Frequency Converters
T/R Modules
Configurable Test Ports:
동적 범위:
136 dB @20 GHz
계측기 유형:
최대 주파수:
44 GHz
Maximum Number of Sources:
최대 출력 전력:
13 dBm @20 GHz
CAT/VNA 시작 주파수:
10 MHz
내장 포트 수:
Number of Internal Sources:
출력 전력:
17 dBm
트레이스 노이즈:
0.0015 dB rms
VNA Series:
VNA Type:
E5081A ENA-X network analyzer

Interested in an E5081A?

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