Thank you for your information.

Download the UDA of your choice using the Download button below.

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릴리스 날짜 버젼 버전 설명
2012-08-29 (see Download) This is a User Defined Application (UDA) generated application for LVDS.
릴리스 날짜 버젼
2012-08-29 (see Download)
Version Description
This is a User Defined Application (UDA) generated application for LVDS.

다운로드 방법

  • Information Not Available

설치 방법

  • To install the generated application on the oscilloscope:

  1. Copy the generated application exe file to your oscilloscope.
  2. Run the copied setup_Xxx.exe file (where Xxx is the name of the application).
  3. Click OK in the confirmation dialog.
  4. You are notified when the installation completes.


  • Requires a License

Installs on: Instrument

선결 조건

  • You need to have either a license for product number N5467A or its 14-day trial license.

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