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Driver type: IVI-C (32-bit/64-bit), IVI-COM (32-bit/64-bit), MATLAB (32-bit/64-bit)
IVI class support: IviDriver 1.0, IviPwrMeter 4.7
IVI Generation: IVI-2014
다운로드 방법
- Click the Download button.
- Select the appropriate executable file.
- Choose Run.
설치 방법
- Run the downloaded installer.
- Does Not Require a License
지원 문서
Installs on: PC
운영 체제
- Windows 10
- Windows 8
- Windows 7
선결 조건
지원되는 계측기
- E4416A/17A/18B/19B, N1911A/12A, N8262A, N1913A/14A/21A/22A, 8481A/82A/83A/85A/87A/81B/82B/81H/82H/87D/85D/81D, E9325A/26A/27A/, U2000A, U2000B, U2000H, U2001A, U2001H, U2002A, U2002B, U2002H, U2004A, U2001B, N432A, U2021XA/22XA, U8481A/85A/87A/88A/89A, U2041XA/42XA/43XA/44XA/49XA/53XA/63XA, L2051XA/61XA/52XA/62XA/53XA/63XA, U2054XA/64XA/55XA/65XA, L2054XA, L2064XA, L2055XA, L2065XA, L2065XT, U2051XA, U2052XA, U2061XA, U2062XA, U2056XA, U2057XA, U2066XA, U2067XA, L2056XA, L2057XA, L2066XA, L2067XA, L2066XT, L2067XT