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릴리스 날짜 버젼 버전 설명
2024-09-01 7.30.0 The N5452A remote programming toolkit lets remote computers communicate with DigitalTest compliance applications over a Microsoft .NET 4.0 Remoting interface.
릴리스 날짜 버젼
2024-09-01 7.30.0
Version Description
The N5452A remote programming toolkit lets remote computers communicate with DigitalTest compliance applications over a Microsoft .NET 4.0 Remoting interface.

다운로드 방법

  • Click the download button and save the file to a temporary directory on your personal computer.

설치 방법

  • The remote programming toolkit should be installed on the personal computer that will be used to develop the remote control software (not on the instrument).

  • To install the toolkit software on the computer used for software development, open (execute) the downloaded file, and follow the on-screen installation instructions.


  • Does Not Require a License

Installs on: PC

운영 체제

  • Windows 10/11

선결 조건

  • Information Not Available

지원되는 계측기

  • FlexDCA sampling oscilloscopes, Infiniium and InfiniiVision real-time oscilloscopes, Logic Analyzers, M8070A BERTs

부가 소프트웨어 / 유틸리티

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