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Keysight Distributed Infrastructure (KDI) 2024
New Features:
Introduced new APIs - Added new Client APIs:
- 3.4 client_add
- 3.4 client_list
- 3.4 lient_update
- 3.4 federated_list
- 3.4 federated_update
- 3.4 provisional_manage
- 3.4 client_demote
- 3.4 client_promote
- 3.4 federated_demote
- 3.4 federated_promote
- KDIS APIs are now accessible through the KDIG endpoint
- kdim-realm and adminui-realm are now merged, with this
- The Permissions field is now operational. When the value is set to "isAdmin," it indicates that the user possesses administrative privileges. Conversely, an empty string or any other value designates the user as a regular user.
- Users with their permission set to "isAdmin" have access to KDIS APIs
- When creating an initial user, you will observe only one entry in the Fabric Users screen, reflecting the unified kdim-realm and adminui-realm.
- Note: During the upgrade process, adminui-realm credentials lacking a corresponding kdim-realm pair will be transitioned to kdim-realm.
- Additionally, these credentials will be granted the "isAdmin" permission, ensuring a seamless integration of administrative privileges within the unified realm structure.
Enhanced KDI Management UI:
- New buttons added in the Remote Users screen:
- Promote - to provide admin access to the federated identities/ remote users
- Demote - to revoke admin privileges from the federated identities/ remote users
다운로드 방법
- Click one or both of the download buttons
설치 방법
Run the downloaded installer with Admin Privilege.
- No cost, Perpetual, Floating (unlimited copies) license (no activation required)
지원 문서
Installs on: Host Computer
운영 체제
- Windows 11 & Windows 11 on ARM
- Windows 10
- Windows 8.1 / 8
선결 조건