Drive Test Solutions System Update files, Version A.08.02

The update instructions can be found in the PDF file E7475A-90002.pdf (PC Format (DOS), 143 kB, 28 June 2001), and includes the instructions for upgrading firmware to the E645x digital receivers, if necessary.

Changes from A.08.01 to A.08.02 are listed in the A0802update.htm (PC Format (DOS), 26 kB, 28 June 2001) file.

The file A0802_AppOnly.exe (PC Format (DOS), 36,130 kB, 22 May 2001), provides complete update to version A.08.02. This file DOES NOT include the latest version of the Keysight E7400 Series Drive Test Solutions tutorial or On-Line Help. The user must choose one of the localized versions below:

  • The file A0802_H-T_English.exe (PC Format (DOS), 17,717 kB, 26 June 2001) provides an updated, stand-alone Help and Tutorial in English, compatible with version A.08.02. This can be downloaded, installed, and used independently of the Keysight E7400 Series Drive Test Solutions application.
  • The file A0802_H-T_Chinese.exe (PC Format (DOS), 17,207 kB, 26 March 2001) provides an updated, stand-alone Help and Tutorial in Chinese, compatible with version A.08.02. This can be downloaded, installed, and used independently of the Keysight E7400 Series Drive Test Solutions application.
  • The file A0802_H-T_Japanese.exe (PC Format (DOS), 17,565 kB, 26 March 2001) provides an updated, stand-alone Help and Tutorial in Japanese, compatible with version A.08.02. This can be downloaded, installed, and used independently of the Keysight E7400 Series Drive Test Solutions application.
  • The file A0802_H-T_Korean.exe (PC Format (DOS), 17,246 kB, 26 March 2001) provides an updated, stand-alone Help and Tutorial in Korean, compatible with version A.08.02. This can be downloaded, installed, and used independently of the Keysight E7400 Series Drive Test Solutions application.
  • The file A0800_H-T_Portuguese.exe (PC Format (DOS), 17,267 kB, 26 March 2001) provides an updated, stand-alone Help and Tutorial in Portuguese, compatible with version A.08.02. This can be downloaded, installed, and used independently of the Keysight E7400 Series Drive Test Solutions application.
  • The file A0800_H-T_Spanish.exe (PC Format (DOS), 17,289 kB, 26 March 2001) provides an updated, stand-alone Help and Tutorial in Spanish, compatible with version A.08.02. This can be downloaded, installed, and used independently of the Keysight E7400 Series Drive Test Solutions application.

Note: When downloading executable files from the download list to the right, the default filename assigned is a generic name. To make it easier to follow the installation instructions, when downloading, please rename the file so that the filename is the same as the filename displayed in the download list.

Keysight는 가능한 최신 버전을 사용하는 것을 권장하며, 최신 버전에는 현재 사용 가능한 가장 최신 버그 수정 및 보안 패치가 포함되어 있습니다.
릴리스 날짜 버젼 버전 설명
2004-08-10 A.08.02 Software file available for download...
릴리스 날짜 버젼
2004-08-10 A.08.02
Version Description
Software file available for download...

다운로드 방법

  • See Documentation

설치 방법

  • See Documentation


  • Does Not Require a License

지원 문서

Installs on: PC

운영 체제

  • Windows 2000
  • Windows 95/98

선결 조건

  • See Above

지원되는 계측기

  • See Above


사용 가능한 소프트웨어 버전이 없습니다.