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8960 Test Set Verify
System Requirements
Running Windows® 95, 98, NT4.0, 2000 or XP
For the Help system to work, Windows® Internet Explorer version 4 or higher must be installed. Hardware: 5 MB of free hard disk space (or more if you intend on extensive archiving of the test results), 64 MB RAM, 800x600 monitor, GPIB output port with appropriate VISA drivers and a printer is optional.
The Test Set Verify Program automates procedures that verify the basic functioning of the Keysight 8960 RF Communication Mobile Test Sets.
It requires three instruments:
- RF Communications Mobile Test Set (the unit under test)
- ESG-4000D, ESG-D, or ESG-DP Series Signal Generator
- E4406 Series VSA Transmitter Tester
- OR
- E444XA PSA Series Spectrum Analyzer
Test equipment will need the correct options for the technologie(s) being tested.
This is the only equipment that will work with the software. Other instruments, even near equivalents, may not function properly or may not have the measurement accuracy. In addition the personalities of the test instruments must have personalities that match the Test Set being tested.
Click on the Install button below, then select open and follow the instructions on screen.
Download TestSetVerifySetup.zip, to your desktop. Then unzip TestSetVerifySetup.exe and double click to run setup. Then follow the instructions on screen.
Running the Program
Click Start | Programs | Keysight | Test Set Verify | 8960 Test Set Verify.
The program will first find the installed test application of the test set and then check the other two instruments to see if their capabilities match. Then the "Task Selector" dialog box will be displayed.
To get started by running a test:
- Click "Run a single test".
- In the dialog box that appears click a test in the list box and then click "Select".
- In the next dialog box click "Tests" on the main menu and click either the "Run Analyzer Only" or "Run Generator Only". You will be prompted to make some cable connections and the test will run.
In addition while a test is running or after it is completed:
After a test is completed, to print the test results, click "File|Print Current Results". The output is printed on the computer's default printer.
To print the test results for all tests immediately after completion of each test, click "File|Enable Print All Results" before starting a test.
After a test is completed, to save the test results, click "File|Save Current Results". The results are saved under Program Files\TestSetVerify\Data.
- To save the test results for all tests immediately after completion of each test, click "File|Enable Save All Results" before starting a test.
- To run the test in a continuous loop (perhaps to find an intermittent failure), click "Loop Tests".
- To halt the test when a failure occurs (perhaps to trap a failure), click "Stop On Fail".
- To pause a measurement, click "Pause" then click "Resume" to continue or "Abort" to stop.
- To exit the program, click "File|Exit".
- To go back to the Task Selector, click "File|Back".
- To log the pass/fail test results, click "Log|On".
You can also edit which channels are tested and create and run sequences of tests. To learn more, click "Help" in the "Task Selector" dialog box.
Revision History
New with Revision A.01.01
- Fixed a problem that would sometimes occur in the EGSM band when measuring PvT. The spectrum analyzer would sometimes not trigger the envelope.
- Changed Loop to always be enabled after an Abort.
- Added information about the spectrum analyzer reference oscillator on/off switch to Help topic "Problems".
- Deleted 2.05 GHz from the general cable calibration frequencies which doesn't work for some ESG series generators in the approved list.
- Enabled Stop On Fail to assure it will be enabled after the test is stopped for whatever reason.
- Changed a lower limit in the 8960 CDMA test from 4.5 dBm to 3.5 dBm which is the correct limit.
New with Revision A.01.02
- Added the log pass/fail test data feature.
New with Revision A.01.03
- Added ESG series signal generators with the EDGE/GSM personality to the list of recognized instruments.
- Added 8960 E1985A (GSM AMPS/136) to the list of recognized test sets.
- Changed the limits in several tests to reflect more accurately the instrument specifications.
- Added IMT-2000 and NMT-450 to the recognized list of bands for the 8960 E1962B (CDMA 2000) Test Set. This caused operation to extend down to 400 MHz and up to 2200 MHz. The latter extension required trapping of equipment that works only to 2 GHz and not allowing tests that cannot be run.
New with Revision A.01.04
- Changed the tests to run CDMA 2000 measurements on the 8960 E1962A as well as the E1962B. Put tests in for testing these two test sets to CDMA standards if the signal generator and spectrum analyzer do not have CDMA 2000 personalities.
- Renumbered several of the tests. No longer are tests numbered under 500 preserved when updating the software. This means that for all of the default and general cable calibration, cable recalibration will be required after the update is completed.
- Put in a warning when the log file gets too large and is on the threshold of an overflow. Its capacity is about 380 entries.
New with Revision A.01.05
- Changed the tests to run GSM analyzer measurements on test sets with Revision A.08.08.
- Added 8960 test set revision number to the test results header information.
New with Revision A.01.06
- Added compatibility with spectrum analyzers with GSM only combined with GSM and EDGE personalities.
- Added the ability to recognize but ignore the presence of GPRS in the 8960. The GSM and AMPS/136 tests included with GPRS run normally.
- Localized the program to permit testing in any locale. However, there is no general localization.
- Changed the General Analog tests for the 8960 to check the RF OUT ONLY port if it exists.
New with Revision A.01.07
- Added the 8924E to the list of test sets.
New with Revision A.01.08
- Changed the code to recognize E1962B with IS-95 installed.
New with Revision A.01.10 and A.01.11
- Changed in security routine.
New with Revision A.02.00 and A.02.01
- Added support for the E1968A Application
- Fixed security key recognition problem.
New with Revision A.03.00
- Added support for the E6701C Application
- Made compatible with the PSA (E444XA Spectrum Analyzers) .
New with Revision A.03.01
- Bug fixes in security
- Bug fix in script for E1968A
New with Revision B.03.02 B.03.05
- Removed need for security key
- Added support for E1987A
- Fixed bug in Analyzer CDMA Traffic power
New with Revision B.03.10
- Added support for the E1963A WCDMA.
New with Revision B.03.11
- Added Support for the WCDMA LAB Applications.
New with Revision B.04.00
- Added script and tests for E1966 1xEV-DO
- Repaired coding errors in the E1963 WCDMA Script. Some GPIB commands were
- incorrect for the current revisions of WCDMA code. Tests were not completing
- properly and would terminate due to GPIB mistakes.
- Updated E1987 Test Capability for E1966 1xEV-DO
- Fixed all the Analog Scripts. All formats now have an Analog Test Script.
- Redesigned core code to use *opc? query for all instrument settings.
- This eliminated the need for wait statements in the Scripts. Rewrote
- all 8960 A Scripts to use the *opc? routine. Scripts for older 89xx and
- 82xx equipment were not modified for *opc?
- Fixed bug in Firmware revision query to recognize revisions greater than X.09.99
- Old code could only recognize revisions <=X.09.99.
- Made standard drawings for Analyzer and Generator Setup Connections to show
- the Audio test cable. A standard drawing solved a confusing problem when running
- sequences. A sequence can only use one type of Analyzer or Generator drawing
- and a choice could not be made if Analog Test are used in the sequence. Now
- Analog and RF tests use the same Setup drawings for the 8960.
- Deleted old artifact Scripts and Tests that had no connections for the current code.
New with Revision B.05.00
- Fixed problem for E1985B applications.
New with Revision B.05.01
- Added support for ALL current TAs and LAs
- Cleaned termininology for sequence and test titles
- Removed *opc? for VSA and PSA, replaced with wait 1000 statements
- Removed unused scripts and setups
- Repaired analog scripts
- Added E4438C to equipment list
New with Revision C.01.01
- Added DDC gain test
- Added Thermal Detector NULL test and re-zero
New with Revision C.02.01
- Added automatic E1987A Fast Switch test profiles. When running in E1987A the software will automatically switch and test modulation in all licensed formats
- Added Lab Applications tests for E67XXT and E67XXU versions of firmware
New with Revision C.02.02
- Version C.02.02 corrected serial number recognition to now include any serial number beginning with the MY prefix.
New with Revision C.02.03
- Version C.02.03 corrects errors found in C.02.02 that made an improper system reset when running multiple channels in E1987A Fast Switch mode.
- A WCDMA trigger error has been corrected for setting the VSA/PSA when testing WCDMA modulation.
- The WCDMA Peak EVM spec in Generator test mode has been changed from 7% to 15% to match changes made to 8960 Generator specifications.
- All test bands for WCDMA were added. Band I through Band XIV are now available for testing.
Format recognition was enhanced to eliminate the need to modify core code whenever new versions of firmware are introduced.
New with Revision C.02.04
- Version C.02.04 corrects error found with ProgressBar3.ocx file. The ActiveX file was not installed correctly in previous versions of Test Set Verify.
New with Revision C.02.05
- No change
New with Revision C.02.06
- Removed WCDMA Gen Peak EVM test from this version 02.06.
- Retrieved GSM modulation source 2 test on the firmware release 6.0 and later
New with Revision C.02.07
- Windows 7 compatible Windows 7 compatible
- Added E6607A EXT to compiled code for recognition (no test scripts at this time)
- Eliminated the Progress Bar.ocx requirement
New with Revision C.03.01
- Added tests for MDC Noise floor.
- Added tests for EGPRS in Analyzer and Generator tests
- Added checks for PSA/VSA format licensing with appropriate test warnings.
New with Revision C.03.02
- Increased print capability from 6 pages to 12 pages of test data.
New with Revision C.03.03
- Fixed error with detecting EGPRS when no GGE license is installed.
- Added detection for TS-SCDMA for future enhancement to TSV.
New with Revision C.03.04
- Corrected Print function to increase variable memory to account for added EGPRS and MDC test functions when running Fast Switch in the 8960.