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Design and Automation
Automate your workflow with integrated design and test
Improve workflow efficiency with Design and Automation Software
Complex products require collaboration and insights that must be shared across departments and workflows. Most organizations use standalone products for design, test, measurement, and monitoring. Integrating design and automation software and hardware throughout your flow can lead to increased efficiency, decreased costs, and lower risk of errors.
Integrated tools improve your entire innovation lifecycle
The biggest challenges facing engineers today can be distilled down to data movement, tool integration, and asset reuse. To deliver innovative technologies that perform as they should every time — from prototype to production to operating in the real world — innovators need to transform their processes.
That’s why Keysight has expanded its capabilities to bridge the gap between development points that used to be discrete. We now offer the industry’s most complete range of integrated hardware, software, and services for design and automation across the product development cycle. Read the results of our recent design and test survey to learn how you can break through the barriers that could be slowing you down.

Cut Through Simulation Complexity
Simulating your design before prototyping helps you avoid mistakes. It also helps you address crosstalk, signal integrity, power integrity, and thermal issues.
Discover the speed and accuracy you need to ensure first-pass success for your designs. Our design tools cover RF/microwave, signal and power integrity, device modeling, and more. Explore our collection of how-to videos today to get started taking advantage of PathWave Design software.
Gain confidence in results for faster decision-making
In today’s complex design environment, design engineers and managers must be confident their designs meet company and/or industry standards. The secret to making faster, more informed design decisions comes down to using integrated data analytics software. PathWave Analytics allows engineers to shorten design cycles and reduce the number of redesigns.
Learn how you can benefit from an integrated design and test workflow that increases productivity and minimizes risk.

Automate your workflow with software solutions
Increase speed and efficiency by automating your testing. Gain access to powerful measurement, test automation, and data management tools with a modern test automation framework. Empower your organization today with simple, fast, and scalable software development across your entire test workflow.
Automate Your Network Test Processes And Environments
Automation Solutions that Integrate Your Test Environment
Organizations today face a host of challenges that impact their ability to remain competitive in a world where the pace of change has accelerated exponentially. Their core goal, however, has not changed: to deliver high quality products and services with faster time to market. To achieve that, they look to automation to accelerate testing.
The solution to increasing equipment utilization in the lab & network and accelerating functional validation & performance characterization is to automate everything. The key to a long-lasting automation solution is to select the right tools, processes, and people that will define a solution that works for today but with the future in mind.

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