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Passende Inhalte
N9355F Power Limiter, 0.01 to 50 GHz
Improve measurement accuracy through superior RF performance with a typical limiting threshold of 10 dBm
Vertrieben durch:
- Autorisierte Vertriebspartner
- Keysight Direct Sales
- Frequency range 0.01 to 50 GHz
- Low insertion loss 40 GHz < 2.75 dB, 50 GHz < 3.5 dB
- Very fast turn-on time < 100 ps
- Limiting threshold 10 dBm, typical
- Bi-directional
- Integrated DC block
Protect Your Investment from Excess RF Power, DC Transients, and ESD
The N9355F power limiter provides the best broadband input power protection to sensitive RF and microwave instruments and components, like network analyzers, spectrum analyzers, and amplifiers, from excess RF power, DC transients and ESD. Minimize your measurement uncertainty and improve your measurement accuracy with the limiter’s superior RF performance.
The N9355F comes with a pair of high quality male and female 2.4 mm connectors.

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