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M9601A PXIe Precision Source Measure Unit, 10 fA
M9601A PXIe precision SMU is precision PXIe SMU enabling faster precise measurement from DC to 20 μs pulse up to 210 V/315 mA with 10 fA resolution and low noise.
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Keysight M9601A is a PXIe precision source/measure unit (SMU) with the capability to source and measure both voltage and current. It covers currents from 10 fA to 315 mA, and voltages from 500 nV to 210 V, and has the capability to make precise measurements from DC to pulsed down to 20 μs pulse width with the sampling rate up to 1.25 MSa/s. That makes the M9601A ideal for a wide variety of current versus voltage (IV) measurement tasks that require both high resolution and accuracy. You now can accurately perform characterization, parametric/reliability tests of semiconductors, active/passive components, and general electronic devices.
- Integrated symmetry 4-quadrant sourcing and measuring capabilities
- Maximum output: 210 V/315 mA
- Minimum resolution: 500 nV/10 fA
- Low current measurement noise: 30 fArms@1PLC
- Narrow pulse capability: 20 μs at minimum
- High-speed sampling measurement at 1.25 M samples/s
- Easily and accurately measures current and voltage using a single module without the need to change any connections manually
- Single SMU module covers both voltage and current measurement requirements, allowing for standardization and simplifying inventory and support concerns
- Makes low-level measurements using a PXIe SMU module
- Reveals more of the true characteristics of the devices with less aperture time, which improves measurement throughput
- Suppresses self-heating effect and has the true characteristics of the devices to improve measurement throughput
- Captures the actual transient response from the devices and circuits without the influence of the measurement equipment’s performance
- Captures dynamic behavior and response to the pulsed signal of the devices and circuits in a single measurement
Key Specifications
Maximum Voltage Per Output
210 V
Maximum Current per Output
315 mA
Supported Measurements
Minimum Current Measurement Resolution
10 fA
Max Sample Rate
1.25 Msa/s
Maximum Voltage Per Output
Maximum Current per Output
Supported Measurements
Minimum Current Measurement Resolution
Max Sample Rate
210 V
315 mA
10 fA
1.25 Msa/s
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Form Factor:
Max Sample Rate:
1.25 Msa/s
Maximum Current per Output:
315 mA
Maximum Output Current:
315 mA
Maximum Voltage Per Output:
210 V
Minimum Current Measurement Resolution:
10 fA
Minimum Voltage Measurement Resolution:
500 nV
Number of Outputs:
Pulse Width Range:
20 μs
Supported Measurements:

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