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N9933BU FieldFox Handheld Software
Software for a lightweight, durable, microwave spectrum analyzer, interference analyzer, distance-tracking generator, preamplifier, power meter, and more
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Enable deeper insights in measurement and analysis by expanding the capabilities of your FieldFox handheld analyzer with software upgradeable capabilities. These capabilities are engineered to deliver precise measurements that agree with benchtop results into the field.
Features available for N9933B (Base model: spectrum analyzer):
- Reflection measurements
- Full-band tracking generator
- Preamplifier
- Interference analyzer and spectrogram
- USB power sensor support
- Plus measurements with USB peak power sensor
- Built-in power meter
- Built-in variable DC voltage source
- Frequency counter
- Built-in GPS receiver
- Remote control capability
and more
Find out more about Keysight FieldFox Handheld Analyzer Software
- Measurement capabilities to handle routine maintenance and in-depth troubleshooting
- Maximize performance with VNA, spectrum analyzer, built-in power meter, vector voltmeter, and more
- Order with new instrument or upgrade an existing instrument
Spectrum Analysis
Cable, Antenna, & Network Analysis
5G/LTE Field Test
Power Measurements
Learn more about each software option in the Technical Overview.
Free Trials
- get free, 30-day licenses
- enable options on your FieldFox
- evaluate the full-featured version with no functionality restrictions
Extend The Capabilities
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