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N7019A USB Type-C® Active Link Fixture
Use the N7019A to access all your Type-C signals in a live link. The acquired signals can be used for debug or decoded with USB-PD, USB 2.0, USB 3.2, or USB4 Protocol Decode Software.
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Use the N7019A to access all your Type-C signals in a live link. The acquired signals can be used for debug or decoded with USB-PD, USB 2.0, USB 3.2, or USB4 Protocol Decode Software.
- Provides access to all Type-C signals during an active link
- Signals include Vbus, USB 2.0, USB-PD, SBU1/2, and TX/RX up to maximum USB4 rate of 20 Gbps
- Works in conjunction with Keysight Protocol Trigger Decode solutions for USB-PD, USB 2.0, USB 3.2, and USB4
Use the N7019A to access all your Type-C signals in a live link. The acquired signals can be used for debug or decoded with USB-PD, USB 2.0, USB 3.2, or USB4 Protocol Decode Software.
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