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[VBA Sample Program] Enables auto-complete of ENA-L commands when writing code on an external PC
This E5062.tlb library enables the auto complete function on the external PC. If you use the Microsoft Office applications (Microsoft PowerPoint etc.), as it is equipped with VBA, you can complete the most part of application development within the Microsoft Office applications.
NOTE: The "E5062.tlb" library enables edit only. COM objects for the ENA-L can not be executed.
Operating Conditions
E5061A Rev.A.02.00 only
E5062A Rev.A.02.00 only
Install Procedures
Step1. Download the "E5062.tlb"file.
Step2. Save the "E5062.tlb" to the hard disk drive of your PC (Anywhere is ok).
For more details, refer to the manual on the bottom of this page.