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N7607EMBC PathWave Signal Generation for DFS and DAA Profiles, Waveform Playback
Create compliant and DAA signals for DFS tests
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Create signals that conform to global dynamic frequency selection (DFS) standards (FCC, ETSI, Japan MIC, China and Korea) and DAA profiles for UWB with Keysight signal generators.
- Create radar signals according to the radar profiles defined by FCC (FCC-06-96 and FCC-13-22), ETSI (EN 301 893 2.1.1 and EN 302 502 1.2.1), Japan MIC, China, and Korea Standards for DFS test
- Create DAA (Detect and Avoid) Profiles for UWB testing standard (ETSI TS 102 754)
- Create fixed, short, and long pulse signals (w/chirp) and frequency hopping signals
- Adjust pulse width, PRI, number of bursts and trials within the standard range
- Waveforms generated for each trial are unique including randomized sets of parameters; trial lists can be saved and loaded for test repeatability
- KeysightCare software support subscription included
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