Power Measurements You Can Rely On

Keysight’s power meters and power sensors measure the power of RF and microwave signals accurately with sensors of various types (CW, average, and peak and average), covering numerous frequencies and power ranges. We offer a wide selection of power meters and power sensors for nearly all application needs — wireless communications, radar pulse measurements, component test, and more. Applications include testing the output power of communication base-station transmitters, radar system equipment, wireless devices, and much more.

Code-compatibility between power meters reduces the need for re-coding. Not only that, all Keysight power meters are backward-compatible with most legacy power sensors.

PathWave BenchVue Power Meters / Sensors Software

Quickly control your power meters to log data and visualize measurements in a variety of display options for easier analysis.

  • Control power meters / sensors easily for your specific test configurations from multiple power meters.
  • Log and view real-time measurements with a variety of display types to interpret your data faster.
  • Get faster measurement setups with built-in wireless and radar presets.
  • Create automated test sequences quickly with minimal instrument knowledge.
  • Receive KeysightCare software support subscription with each new instrument purchase.

Find the Power meters and Sensors That's Right for You

8480 Series Power Sensors

8480 Series Power Sensors

8480 series power sensors are compatible with the EPM, EPM-P, P-series, 70100A and E1416A power meters, and operate over 100kHz to 110GHz, -70 to +44dBm.

E-Series CW Power Sensors

E-Series CW Power Sensors

E-series CW power sensors operate with the EPM, EPM-P and P-series power meters.

E9300 Average Power Sensors

E9300 Average Power Sensors

E9300 average power sensors operate with the EPM, EPM-P, and P-series power meters.

E9320 Peak and Average Power Sensors

E9320 Peak and Average Power Sensors

E9320 peak and average power sensors operates with the EPM-P series and P-Series power meters

EPM and EPM-P Series Power Meters

EPM and EPM-P Series Power Meters

EPM power meters provide CW and average power measurements, EPM-P power meters provide peak, average, peak-to-average ratio, and time-gated power measurements.

N8480 Series Power Sensors

N8480 Series Power Sensors

N8480 thermocouple power sensors (from 100kHz to 50GHz) integrated with EEPROM capability, offers improved accuracy with SWR, exceptional power linearity (< 1%).

P-Series Power Meters

P-Series Power Meters

P-Series power meters (30MHz video bandwidth) provide wideband peak, peak-to-average ratio, maximum power, minimum power, rise time, and fall time measurements.

P-Series Wideband Power Sensors

P-Series Wideband Power Sensors

P-Series wideband power sensors provide internal zero and calibration, by integrating a DC reference source and switching circuits into the power sensor.

USB and LAN Power Sensors

USB and LAN Power Sensors

Keysight’s USB and LAN power sensors offer the capability to measure peak and average power of a power meter in a compact and portable form factor.

Waveguide Power Sensors

Waveguide Power Sensors

Keysight's Eband, Vband, and Wband waveguide power sensor models.

V3500A Handheld RF Power Meter

V3500A Handheld RF Power Meter

The V3500A Handheld RF Power Meter is a compact, handheld instrument that makes accurate RF power measurements in field and manufacturing applications.

N1913PM5B VDI Erickson PM5B MM–Wave Power Meter

N1913PM5B VDI Erickson PM5B MM–Wave Power Meter

N1913PM5B is a Virginia Diodes, Inc./Erickson PM5B calorimetric mm–wave power meter, with a W-Band sensor for power measurement over a frequency range up to 110GHz.

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Extend Your Capabilities with the Right Tools

Get more functionality out of your existing hardware today by complementing it with the right accessories to improve productivity and the right Keysight PathWave design and test automation software to accelerate your product development.

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