Signal Generators with Unmatched Purity and Precision

Whether you are working on general-purpose or industry-specific applications such as 5G, automotive, or aerospace and defense, our signal generator platforms enable you to:

  • Meet your test requirements with the widest selection of signal generators-from essential signal generation to traceable, metrology-grade solutions
  • Stimulate your device and system using realistic signals with the highest signal integrity
  • Lower your cost of ownership with long calibration cycles and the most comprehensive solutions for self-maintenance

Find the Signal Source That's Right For You

We offer the widest selection of signal generators from baseband to 110 GHz, with frequency extensions to 1.1 THz. From basic to advanced functionality, each signal generator delivers benchmark performance in its class.

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PathWave Signal Generator Software

PathWave Signal Generator software is a flexible suite of signal-creation tools that will reduce time spent on signal simulation. Its performance-optimized reference signals, validated by Keysight, enhance the characterization and verification of your devices.

  • Create performance-optimized reference signals
  • Validate component, transmitter, and receiver testing
  • Ensure designs meet the latest standards
  • Speed signal creation and reduce simulation time
Pathwave signal generation software for vector signal generator
Make a difference with a reliable signal source, waveform signals with binary

Eliminate Uncertainties From Your Test Results with a Reliable Signal Source

In the race to get to market faster, you need test results you can trust. Selecting the right, reliable instrument for the job can make a difference.

A Keysight test expert describes the fundamentals of signal generators in the white paper, below. It will help you make an informed choice when selecting your next RF source.

Related use cases

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How to Test Automotive SerDes Receiver Conformance

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How to De-embed Fixtures and Correct Mismatch Errors

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How to Verify the Performance of a 6G Neural Receiver

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How to Test CRPA-Enabled GNSS Receivers

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How to Test a Digital Wideband Transceiver

How to Test a Digital Wideband Transceiver

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How to Generate an RF Carrier Signal

How to Generate an RF Carrier Signal

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Featured Resources

White Papers 2024.09.05

The Essential Signal Generator Guide Building a solid foundation in RF — Part 2

The Essential Signal Generator Guide Building a solid foundation in RF — Part 2

Navigating the numerous specifications and features of signal generators can be challenging. This white paper series helps by explaining various modulation schemes, the importance of spectral purity, and the impact of distortion. Additionally, it explores how application software can enhance productivity. Signal generators are essential for meeting customer requirements for robust and reliable high-speed wireless connections, which are crucial for business success. To address market demands, selecting the right signal generator is vital. Complex modulation schemes, necessary for increasing spectral efficiency and achieving higher data rates, rely on accurate and stable signal generators. Signal generators can be either digital (vector) or analog. Vector signal generators produce complex, digitally modulated signals, while analog signal generators produce continuous wave signals with basic modulation. The choice depends on the specific application and testing requirements. Generating an RF signal requires a metrology-grade signal generator with excellent distortion and spurious characteristics to ensure high spectral purity. The frequency accuracy of a signal generator depends on the stability of the reference oscillator and the time since the last calibration. Overall, signal generators are indispensable for evaluating applications that rely on radio frequencies, such as GNSS, 5G, avionics, and radar, ensuring reliable and efficient performance.


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Frequently Asked Questions – Signal Generators

Engineers use a signal generator to create repeated waveforms to design, test, and manufacture systems and individual components. A signal generator is a generic term for a wider family of instruments. Other common names are signal sources, sources, and sig gens.

Learn about signal generator specifications in our blog Learn the Basics of Signal Generator Accuracy

There are various types of signal generators:

  • Analog Signal Generator
  • Vector Signal Generator
  • Arbitrary Waveform Generator
  • Radio Frequency (RF) Signal Generator
  • Function Generator
  • Pulse Generator
  • Digital Pattern Generator

RF signal generators create the waveforms needed for testing applications that use radio frequencies. One type of RF signal generator is an analog signal generator (ASG), that creates amplitude modulated (AM), frequency modulated (FM), phase modulation, and pulse modulation signals. As signal modulation becomes more complex, you need a vector signal generator (VSG) to create intricate digital signals. Popular modulation formats for vector signal generators are quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK), quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM), and binary phase shift keying (BPSK).

Signal generators are great instruments to use for evaluating applications that rely on radio frequencies to operate. Some examples in use daily are Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), 5G, avionics, and radar. They also give the flexibility of testing for real-world impairments and receiver fading.

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