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MBP 2008.2.0 Product Release
The Model Builder Program (MBP) 2008.2.0 software release includes the following improvements and enhancements.
- Engine and lib parser improved to support 45nm model library
- Latest PSP and HISIM_HV version update
- New powerful and flexible Measurement module
- Task tree improved to be more efficient and robust
- Other handy new features
Great Improvements on Internal Engine
- Parse and tweak 45nm technology model library directly in MBP2008.2.0
- Improve subckt model simulation capability
- Support more HSPICE functions and elements
- Latest model version support
- PSP 102.3
- HISIM_HV 1.0.2
- Task tree speed improved
Device Characteristic Program (DCP)
- Powerful new measurement module with more flexibility
- Open structure provides user defined instrument driver, device type and analysis
- Support meters, switch matrix and probe station to measure whole wafer or specific devices
- Automatically save user inputs and internal debugging support
Task Tree Device Selection
- A device selection window will pop up when start a task tree, user could check or re-define the device selection by MBP default such as WmaxLmax, WmaxLarray, etc for the auto extraction flow
- To make the auto extraction flow more suitable for user’s own data set
- Enables users to save the definition to a setting file and load for other projects
New PSP Task Tree
- Provides Local to Global approach for PSP model auto extraction flow
IMV Pages Capability Improved
- New target definition, expression support for restrictions
- For example, vds=vdd/2, vds
- New plot type, two p axis support
- For example, p=vds, vgs
- Other handy features
Support Extend Simulation on Both X and P Axis
Add FB Device to the Default IMV Pages with the postfix “f”
Allow Extend Simulation in IMV Pages
New Feature in Binning Model Tweaking
- Enables users to tweak the same parameter for a set of point together
- In point mode, right-click on one parameter and select “select bin param”
Improved Error Table
- Update real time when parameter changes
- Add Relative/Absolute Error selection
- Make the legends more clear: with second variables
Other Improvements
- User can set the ratio for extending bin boundary when generate binning model
- User can customize the layout by Tool > Layout > Customize
- Add the column and row number of plot to the setup window
- User can set the precision for model saving and simulation by the new button in the parameter window
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