
The industry standard for signal integrity measurements just got better

  • Improve your custom test efficiency with our new standard test wizard.
  • Get accurate TDR waveforms with channel loss compensation.
  • Count on hardware support for the latest vector network analyzers.

The new Physical Layer Test System (PLTS) 2025 is the industry standard for signal integrity measurements and data post-processing tools for high-speed interconnects, such as cables, backplanes, PCBs, and connectors. Signal integrity laboratories worldwide have benefited from the power of PLTS in the R&D prototype test phase and high-volume manufacturing (HVM) phases.

The PLTS 2025 in a powerful 64-bit application unleashes high port count s-parameter measurements. Today’s 1.6 Tbps internet infrastructure demands multi-port channel analysis to mitigate crosstalk issues that can cause bit errors.

The new 64-bit PLTS application enables deeper memory for those large data files of 16-port and 32-port s-parameter measurements.

PLTS N19307B extends the N19301B base product to allow calibration, measurement, and analysis of greater than 4-ports.

Free Trials

N19307B PLTS N-Port Measurement and Analysis

  • PLTS N19307B extends the N19301B base product to perform N-port (greater than 4 ports) measurements and analysis

Interested in N19307B?

Extend The Capabilities For Your PLTS N-Port Measurement And Analysis

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