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M809228CA Receiver Conformance Test Application for OIF-CEI 3.1
OIF-CEI 3.1 Receiver Test Application for OIF-CEI 28G-Very Short Reach (VSR), Short Reach (SR), Medium Reach (MR) and Long Reach (LR)
The M809228CA is an electrical receiver test application designed to assist and simplify the stress signal calibration used for testing the inputs of OIF-CEI 28G-VSR/-SR/-MR/-LR interfaces based on OIF-CEI 3.1 standard which is supported by a wide range of Keysight instruments. The application helps to reduce user interaction to a minimum and performs required calibration routines and conformance testing automatically by remote controlling all required instruments.
- Supported standards include OIF-CEI 28G-VSR/ SR/ MR/ LR Interfaces.
- Guided setup, automated stress signal calibration, and conformance measurement according to OIF-CEI 3.1 standard.
- Automated generation of compliance test reports.
- A wide range of hardware configurations is supported.
- Remote-controlled instruments for test automation and reduced user interaction.
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