PNA Network Analyzers

Highest accuracy, metrology-grade performance

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A Winning Combination of Excellent Hardware and Powerful Software

The PNA Series of network analyzers offers industry-leading performance for testing amplifiers, mixers, and frequency converters. Built-in pulse modulators and pulse generators provide pulsed S-parameter measurements quickly and accurately. All models are available in two-port single-source and four-port dual-source versions.

  • Solve your toughest measurement challenges with the highest-performing microwave network analyzer in the industry.
  • Measure S-parameters with the lowest uncertainty and highest stability.
  •  Characterize active components efficiently with applications that simplify setups.
  • Accelerate insight into component behavior using a multitouch display and intuitive user interface.
  • Get the measurement sophistication you need by customizing your PNA network analyzer to your desired level of performance.
PNA network analyzer mixer test hook up

Easily Measure Frequency Converters

Mixers and frequency converters provide the frequency translation that wireless and satellite communications systems depend on. Understanding relative and absolute group delay for frequency converters critically impacts the overall system design. However, these measurements prove difficult to capture if your frequency converter's local oscillator (LO) is inaccessible. Solve your group delay difficulties with frequency-tracking software that simulates locking the mixer's LO to a reference signal. This software provides fast and simple measurements and requires no additional hardware.

Key Specifications

Frequency Range

900 Hz to 67 GHz

Dynamic Range

127 to 128 dB

Output Power

13 dBm

Trace Noise

0.003 dB RMS

Built-In Ports

2 or 4

 201 Point Sweep Time

5.5 to 6.3 ms

Find the Model That's Right for You

PNA Software

Investigate, characterize, and troubleshoot your designs with a variety of measurement applications using network analysis software tools. The advanced test software applications available on the PNA network analyzer make it an industry leader in testing amplifiers, mixers, and frequency converters. Reduce your test time and gain confidence in your measurements with applications such as pulsed RF, gain compression, intermodulation distortion, and noise figure.

PNA network analyzer software tool

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