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M8121A 12 GSa/s Arbitrary Waveform Generator
Wideband 12GSa/s Optical Data Interface (ODI) modular stream-able Arbitrary Waveform Generator(AWG)
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12 GSa/s Streaming Arbitrary Waveform Generator
- Highest performance streaming arbitrary waveform generator with up to 12 GSa/s
- Full rate, gapless streaming of raw or I/Q samples from compatible storage, DSP, digitizers or custom hardware
- Up to 2 channels in a 2U AXIe module, controlled via external PC or AXIe system controller
- 1 or 2 channel AWG module with
- 14-bit resolution up to 8 GSa/s
- 12-bit resolution up to 12 GSa/s
- Variable sample rate from 1 GSa/s to 8 or 12 GSa/s
- Analog bandwidth up to 5 GHz
- Spurious-free-dynamic range (SFDR) up to -90 dBc typical
- Harmonic distortion (HD) up to -72 dBc typical
- Internal broadband clock synthesizer with optional low-phase-noise clock input
- Optional real-time digital signal processing in Keysight Technologies, Inc. proprietary ASIC for digital up-conversion to IF1
- 12 bit resolution up to 12 GSa/s
- 14 bit resolution up to 8 GSa/s
- Analog Bandwidth up to 5 GHz
- Spurious-free dynamic range (SFDR) -90 dBc @ 100 MHz
Optical data interface
- 2 x 160 Gb/s optical streaming interface
- Supports full rate, gapless streaming of samples into the M8121A from compatible storage, digital signal processing (DSP) or digitizer devices or custom hardware
- Synchronization input for deterministic latency e.g. from a digitizer input to M8121A output
Two output paths for different applications
- Direct DAC — optimized for best SFDR & HD
- SFDR up to -90 dBc (typ), out = 100 MHz, measured DC to 2 GHz
- Amplitude 350 mVpp ... 700 mVpp, offset –20 mV ... +20 mV
- Differential output
- Optional DC coupled amplifier
- Amplitude 500 mVpp ... 1.0 Vpp; (over-programming down to 150 mV possible)
- Output voltage window: –1.0 V … +3.3 V
- Differential output
M8192A multi-channel synchronization module
- Phase coherent synchronization of up to six M8121A modules (= 12 channels)
- One trigger input can trigger up to six M8121A modules with deterministic latency
- Skew can be adjusted with 50 fs delay resolution between any two channels
- 1U AXIe module for high port density
The M8121A offers a unique combination of outstanding signal performance, wide bandwidth and unlimited playback time. Through an optical data interface, running at up to 160 Gb/s, the M8121A can receive real or complex samples from compatible storage device, DSP module, digitizer or custom hardware. A digital up-conversion engine is built into the M8121A core ASIC.

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