B1505A Power Device Analyzer / Curve Tracer is a single box solution for power device evaluation from sub-pA to 10 kV & 1500 A. Precise measurement capabilities with 10 µs pulse and µΩon-resistance measurements.


Precision measurement across a wide range of operating conditions

  • All-in-one solution for power device characterization up to 1500 A & 10 kV
  • Medium current measurement with high voltage bias (e.g. 500 mA at 1200 V)
  • μΩ on-resistance measurement capability
  • Accurate, sub-picoamp level, current measurement at high voltage bias
  • Fully automated thermal testing from -50 ℃ to +250 ℃

Extensive device evaluation capabilities

  • Fully automated Capacitance (Ciss, Coss, Crss, etc.) measurement at up to 3000 V of DC bias
  • High power pulsed measurements down to 10 μs
  • Both packaged device and on-wafer IGBT/FET gate charge measurement
  • High voltage/high current fast switch option to characterize GaN current collapse effect
  • Up to five high voltage (3 kV) source/measure channels for maximum flexibility
  • Safe temperature dependent testing via an interlock-equipped test fixture

Improved measurement efficiency

  • Switch between high-voltage and high-current measurements without the need to recable
  • Automatic test circuit formation for transistor junction capacitances (Ciss, Coss, Crss, Cgs, Cgd, Cds, etc.) for both packaged and on-wafer devices
  • Standard test fixtures with interlock for safe packaged power device testing
  • Supported and secure on-wafer high-power testing over 200 A and up to 10 kV
  • The oscilloscope view allows verification of applied voltage and current waveforms
  • MS Windows-based EasyEXPERT software facilitates data management and analysis

Upgradable and scalable hardware architecture

  • A wide selection of measurement modules
  • Support for high-power devices with up to 6 pins

The Keysight B1505A Power Device Analyzer / Curve Tracer is the only single-box solution available with the capability to characterize high-power devices from the sub-picoamp level up to 10 kV and 1500 A. These capabilities allow the evaluation of novel new devices such as IGBT and materials such as GaN and SiC. The B1505A supports a variety of modules: high voltage SMU (HVSMU), high current SMU (HCSMU), ultra-high current (UHC) module, ultra-high voltage (UHV) module, and high voltage medium current (HVMC) module. The B1505A also supports high-power SMU (1 A/200 V), medium-power SMU (100 mA/100 V) ,medium-current SMU (1 A/30V pulsed, 100 mA/30V DC), and a multi-frequency capacitance measurement unit (1 kHz – 5 MHz). Its ten-slot modular mainframe allows you to configure the B1505A to suit your measurement needs.

It can also perform fully automated capacitance measurements such as Ciss, Coss, and Crss at high voltage biases (up to 3000 V), gate charge, another important parameter for the high frequency switching converter era, can be evaluated easily. Automatic thermal characterization from -50 ℃ to +250 ℃ is also supported.

The B1505A software environment is based on Microsoft® Windows® 10 operating system and allows users to check device characteristics and detect device faults with the convenience of a curve tracer. Just like a conventional curve tracer, the B1505A supports rotary knob control variable-sweep capabilities. This allows real-time evaluation of parameters such as breakdown voltage. Also supported is “Oscilloscope View” which visually assists the operator in optimizing voltage and current being applied to the device. The measurement setup information and data are automatically stored on the B1505A's built-in hard disk drive. They may also be copied to USB memory sticks and other portable storage devices. Measurement data may be easily copied into engineering reports with the device measurement summary.

A robust test fixture solution is important to ensure operator safety, (due to the generated high voltage and current) as well as to support the wide variety of power device package types. A previous conventional curve tracer limitation was that some power devices could not be evaluated due to their size and it was sometimes necessary to jury-rig an adapter in order to test the device. However, the B1505A's test fixture can accept a wide variety of devices, such as power MOSFETs, diodes, IGBTs etc. regardless of their size or shape. This is achieved via a large test fixture adapter with customizable test fixture modules. In addition, the test fixture's built-in interlock mechanism ensures that high voltages and currents can be safely applied to the test devices.

Keysight can provide a conversion kit that allows existing B1500A users to convert their B1500A mainframe to a B1505A mainframe. This allows current B1500A users to expand the voltage and current measurement capabilities of their existing instrument at a lower cost.

Module Selection Guide

Measurement Resources Required Module/Expander Required Slots Maximum Configuration Main Specification
High Power SMU (HPSMU) B1510A HPSMU 2 4 Up to 200 V, 1 A force. 10 fA current resolution
Medium Power SMU (MPSMU) B1511B MPSMU 1 10 Up to 100 V, 100 mA force, 10 fA current resolution
High Current SMU (HCSMU) B1512A HCSMU 2 2 20 A/20 V (Pulsed); 1 A/40 V (DC) *1
High Voltage SMU (HVSMU) B1513C HVSMU 2 5 1500 V/8 mA; 3000 V/4 mA; (Pulsed & DC)
Medium Current SMU (MCSMU) B1514A MCSMU 1 6 1 A/30 V (Pulsed); 100 mA/30 V (DC)
Multi-Frequency Capacitance Measurement Unit (MFCMU) B1520A MFCMU 1 1 1 kHz to 5 MHz. 0 to ±25 V, using MFCMU internal DC bias
0 to ±3000 V , using HVSMU and high voltage bias-tee
High Voltage Medium Current Unit (HVMCU) N1266A HVSMU current expander,
and two B1514A MCSMU/B1512A HCSMU
4 - 6 1 ±1500 V / 2.5 A (Pulsed), ±2200 V/ 1.1 A (Pulsed)
Ultra-High Current Unit (UHCU) N1265A ultra-high current expander/fixture
and two B1514A MCSMU/B1512A HCSMU
2 - 4 1 1500 A/ 60 V (Pulsed), 22.5 kW peak power,
±500 A / 60 V (Pulsed), 7.5 kW peak power
Ultra-High Voltage Unit (UHVU) N1268A ultra-high voltage expander
and two B1514A MCSMU
or a combination of a B1512A HCSMU
and a B1514A MCSMU
2 - 3 1 10 kV/10 mA (DC), 10 kV/ 20 mA (Pulsed)

*1. The current ranges can be increased to 40 A/20 V (pulsed) and 2 A/40 V (DC) using two HCSMUs with the Dual HCSMU combination adapter.

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For more information about Current-Voltage Analyzer, please visit Precision Current-Voltage Analyzer.



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